Sun Xun didn't really know what to say to that.
As for Song Jia, it was too late when she realized that she was still a girl in this life after all.
Take away the illusion ring and there were still the female body parts that a man doesn't have.
Sun Xun however knew this. Even if he hadn't seen it, there was still that time when they went to swim in her pool and she was wearing her bathing suit. Although her body was fully covered at that time, her curves were obvious.
At this moment, Sun Xun couldn't help his thoughts go in that direction. He shook his head and threw a robe at her.
Song Jia caught it as her cheeks blushed. She saw how he stared at the missing mounds on her chest.
'Oh goodness.. Why is it so hot all of a sudden?' She fanned herself as she quickly put on the robe.
After Sun Xun got dressed, he went to bed first.
"Uh–I think it's better if I sleep in my space instead..ha-ha" She avoided his gaze.