Flying Above

The people of Cerulean Moon city were going about their way when a silhouette appeared.

They looked up to see an elongated object.


"What's that?!"

"Is it a giant bird?!"

"A bird that looks like a whale?!"

"Stupid! Can't you see that's a flying ship?!"


"You're right!"

"The heck! You don't have to call me stupid!"


"Why are you guys arguing?"

"Nothing.. Hmp.."

"By the way, that looks like an old ship… haha.. Is the owner so cheap that he can't buy the new ones?"

"Hahaha.. Probably bought at a low price.."

"Come on.. Even if it's considered from a low price, I doubt you guys would be able to afford it either way..hahahaha"

"Grrrr… why do you always mock us?!"

"Hahaha.. Learn to use your head before uttering a word then.."

At the Song clan's residence, the elders, General Song Qing and Song Xia saw the flying ship heading west.