A Small Hut

Song Jia lifted her head to see the grimace on Luo Yating's face.

"What happened?"

"My stomach hurts." She said.

Song Jia wondered if it was Luo Yating's time of the month.

She was about to ask her when she remembered that she was masquerading as a young man at the moment. It would just put Luo Yating in a position if she would ask her straightforwardly.

Luo Yating clenched her legs together. Her arms clutched at her abdomen as she bent down. She squeezed her eyes shut.

Song Jia turned to Wei Hua who was already walking up to Luo Yating.

The two spoke in hushed tones.

Wei Hua's face wore a look of dilemma.

"What is it?" Song Jia went to them.

Wei Hua looked between Song Jia and Luo Yating.

Luo Yating was increasingly becoming pale.

"Are any of you going to say anything?" Song Jia raised her brow at them.