
Sun Xun glanced at Elder Lu Fu.

This gaunt-looking man with long gray beard and bushy gray brows clasped his hands together and bowed before him slightly, imploring him to get the Patriarch.

If Sun Xun had a choice, he would rather have his father manage the clan's matters. Since that would mean all is well.

If they had to call him back home, it only meant that they were in a desperate situation.

Sun Xun had preferred to take missions outside once he had turned sixteen as he wanted to explore other places. He thought that this would aid him in attaining enlightenment, by observing people, gaining wisdom from them.

Several times, this way has proven to be true.

He had seen human suffering outside of their territory who had more or less lived in harmony. Outside, he saw that there were people who could not even eat a morsel of food for so many days. He saw that there were people who were betrayed, sold, and even abused.