Going Back

"May I introduce you to my friends?" Su Ming asked.

"Of course–" Xia Lingxin replied.

Su Ming waved at his two friends, beckoning to them.

"Are these the people you went to the Dream Realm for?" Xi Lingxin asked.

"Yes. It's them.."

Moments later, two young men, the same age as Su Ming and Xia Lingxin arrived.

"This is Qiao Huo.." He pointed at the young man in green robes. Qiao Huo bowed.

"This one is Kong Ken.." He pointed at the young man in the same green robes. He had shorter hair than the others.

"Many thanks for your rescue.." The two expressed their gratitude, more genuinely than Su Ming's cousins.

"It's alright.." Xia Lingxin said.

"Guys–this is brother Xia Lingxin, he's the same age as us. And Miss He Zhenya, also the same age as us…" He continued to introduce each one in Song Jia's group.

The girls were able to leave Su Tu and return to where Song Jia sat.