Missing You

The aroma of the broth wafted around the room and out of the window. Whoever was nearby could instantly smell this mouth watering aroma.

"Is that–" A steward said to another.

"Mmmmm.. I'm suddenly hungry… is it time for dinner?"

"I think it is.. Let's finish up over here so we go!"

"Yeah! I'm almost done here.."

Everywhere in the manor, everyone could smell this temptation.

They hurried in their tasks and almost ran towards the Meal Hall.

Meanwhile, inside the kitchen, Kang Yin's eyes glistened as he inhaled the delicious aroma.

"Master! This smells so good! I'm sure this would taste equally good! If not, even better!" Kang Yin could almost feel himself salivating as he stared at the contents in the pot.

Song Jia chuckled, amused at his reaction.

Suddenly , she had a strange feeling. It was as if there were plenty of people heading towards the Meal Hall.

"Is it dinner time?" She asked him.