Source Of Strength

After Yang Yi cleaned Bi Xinyue's hands, she watched Bi Xue cleaned his as well. Then she brought the basin with lukewarm water, soap and a clean towel to Madame Bi. She placed it on the nearby table before helping the woman up from the bed.

Madame Bi was still feeling weak on the knees after being beaten black and blue by her own husband.

Yang Yi had already given her a few pills to facilitate her recovery so now she has to at least make some moves to stimulate her nerves and blood circulation.

Knock! Knock!

"Yes?" Yang Yi answered.

"Young Miss Yang, I'm Shao Dai, a maidservant from the Bi family." She said

Yang Yi turned to Madame Bi.

"She's our maidservant." She confirmed.

"Come in." Yang Yi responded.

The door creaked open and an elderly woman entered. A young girl entered as well. She looked to be at least twelve years old.