[Bonus chapter] Married Couple

The mercenary group began to feel frustrated that they couldn't eliminate these few numbers.

"Kill the men! Except for the boy! Capture the women!" Guo Tai yelled.

His meaning was obvious. He was planning to make use of Song Jia, Bai Ju and He Zhenya's bodies before killing them.

Such words were not new to the ears of these young women.

Song Jia pursed her lips.

'You dare to covet me?' A dangerous smile flashed on her lips and was caught by Guo Tai who was momentarily stunned.

Song Jia called out Baihu.

The white cub's eyes brightened. 'This! This is the aura I sensed earlier! So it's really him! Our King!!'

Baihu glanced at the little cub. 'Stay here.'

The white cub nodded vigorously, wagging its tail, squinting at Baihu.

"Whoa!!!!!!! That's a big tiger!!!" The mercenaries exclaimed.

Only Wan Yin and He Zhenya were not surprised.