[Bonus chapter] Different Entity

Master Deng Zhen rubbed his eyes. He looked at Song Jia in a daze.

'This Young Master.. He looks so—'

"Master Deng Zhen.." Song Jia's voice snapped him back to the task at hand. He nodded at the Young Master in front of him.

Song Jia led the way as Fei fei ran back to the room.

Master Deng Zhen was astounded at the sight of twenty fox spirits still in their human form and trapped inside the array.

He glanced at Song Jia who was waiting for him to begin chanting.

He shook whatever distracting thoughts he had and began to chant.

As his staff hit the ground, the interlocking rings clanged against each other, piercing the senses of the fox spirits.

They covered their ears as they shrieked in a frenzy.

"Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Some of them couldn't take it and soon slumped on the floor as they began to transform back into their fox form.