
As they neared the Luo clan's residence, the guard rode ahead.

The guards and stewards at the gates of the Luo clan's residence saw him from a distance and one of them quickly informed Luo Yating's father, Luo Xinyue.

By the time they arrived outside the gates, Luo Xinyue and Huo Guanting already stood waiting for them along with some of the maidservants.

"Father! Mother!" Luo Yating greeted as soon as the carriage stopped and she peeked out from the window.

"My child!" Huo Guanting exclaimed, eyes shining brightly.

Seeing as they didn't come by themselves, Luo Yating's parents were hopeful. This was a good sign!

Soon, He Zhenya's guards opened the carriage door for them.

He Ruogang came down first, followed by Luo Yating, and He Zhenya.

Huo Guanting craned her neck.

She wondered if it was either the two of them.