
When Song Jia entered the gates again, she went back to her room and requested for them to not disturb her.

She then sat cross-legged in her room and put away all distractions in her mind.

With her consciousness and spiritual energy, she configured the arrays surrounding the manor.

It took more or less an hour to finish.

Now, whoever enters using the visitor's token would only be directed to the Meeting Hall. They would be able to see the flowers and other landscaping objects around but if they try to go anywhere else, taking a different path, they would be sent back to the front of the Meeting Hall.

Only those residents and those who had pledged loyalty to Song Jia, and those with tokens that she provided would be able to roam around the manor.

As for the others, it would be as if they had fallen into a maze.

They could only enter and head to the Meeting Hall and exit the same way.