
"Pan Tu.. get up. You have already helped by alerting us.." Song Qing told him. "Don't fret. Tonight's event became a chance for us to cleanse the clan."

"Yes, Master." He bowed as he slowly got up. "Still, I never expected that there would be so many of them here."

"Mn. It's quite unexpected." Song Qing nodded.

Upon seeing Song Jia return together with Song Xia, Song Huo and Wan Yan, Song Qing dismissed Pan Tu.

"Is everything done?" He asked his granddaughter.

She nodded.

She was slightly exhausted from using her spiritual energy in destroying and remaking the arrays.

"You should rest. Cao Cai has already prepared your room." Song Huo told her.

"Alright.. I'll go first then." Song Jia didn't decline. She wanted to rest for a moment.

When she arrived at the room she used months ago since she began to use this identity, she dismissed Wan Yan.

"No need to keep watch while we're here. There's no threat here." She said.