Youthful Face

The next day, Song Jia left her room early.

Lu Ping was outside the door, waiting for her.

"Master.." She spoke.

"Are they here?" Song Jia asked.

"Yes…" She paused.

"Is there something else?" Song Jia raised her brow.

"The Madame said that they have met Mistress Luna. That they were told to come here."

Song Jia nodded.

"Are they in the Meeting Hall?"

"Yes, Master. Their two old servants are with them as well.."

Song Jia nodded.

"Alright.. I'll go meet them in a bit. Arrange for a courtyard for them."

"Yes, Master. I'll take care of it.." Lu Ping didn't question Song Jia's decision. On her way to Song Jia, one of the workers here in the manor recognized the Murong family. So now she knows a little of their background.

When Lu Ping left, Song Jia went ahead to the Meeting Hall where Bai Ju was catering to them, serving them tea.