New Addition

Lishi Xieren and Murong Xiu noticed that their new master called Murong Xiu, Miss Murong.

This told them that he was still acknowledging her as the Miss of the Murong clan.

But it was not the same with Lishi Xieren and started calling the latter, Auntie.

Perhaps if they are in a different situation, since the Master was calling her mother, Auntie, she should have been able to call him Brother or that he call her Sister Murong or Sister Xiu, or even by her name since she was younger than him.

"Master.. Can I also request for you to not use honorifics on me?"

Song Jia raised her brow.

"Not only am I Master's subordinate now, I am also younger than Master. Please.. Just call me Murong Xiu."

She didn't dare and wasn't comfortable with being called Xiu only by Master Shi Jin. Just like her parents calling each other by their given names, she also wants only her family members, especially her future husband to call her by her first name.