Venom Cult

Dai Bao stood up and walked away from the bodies.

He then stood beside Dai Chen.

The physician bent down and examined the first body closest to where he was standing.

To his surprise, the very first thing he noticed was the tattoo image of a mutant scorpion and snake merged into one body.

It was located on the man's left side at the rib part.

Besides that, he saw various fresh wounds and some old wound scars caused by blades or burns.

He moved on to the next body.

There, he saw the same tattoo again.

And just like the first one, there were various wounds on him as well.

He moved on to the third, getting the same observation.

It was at this moment that he realized what the young master had been doing before he arrived at the scene.

Each time he moved to check the body, he would notice the tattoo first.