Black Blood

Song Yimu held the newborn gingerly.

Her eyes were a little hazy as she stared into her child's face.

Months ago, she thought that as soon as she gazed into her newborn's face, she would immediately utter the words, 'beautiful'.

But at this moment, the word didn't come to mind.

The appearance of the newborn was indescribable to her.

Rather, the skin was very thin, as if she could touch the bones. Little hairs were all over the body, the top of the head had a shiny wet patch of dark hair. As for the ears, they were slightly folded inwardly.

The face was so small, the eyes slanted, hiding the huge black eyes.

Song Yimu couldn't tell if the baby could see her, but right now, the baby was looking up at her.

She shivered, feeling strange.

The newborn was so tiny, the size from Song Yimu's wrist to her elbow.

Tiny limbs, and other parts of the body were all tiny.

Song Yimu was slightly frightened by its appearance.