
"Mn. We'll be on our way then. Teacher Pan Zhen is already on his way." Song Jia pointed to the right.

Cheng Lan looked where she was pointing and saw that Teacher Pan Zhen was indeed on his way to the classroom.

"Ah–You're right.. I–" Cheng Lan looked left and right. Surprised that she could no longer see the Young Master Shi Jin, not even any of his friends.

When she turned back, facing the classroom, she saw the backs of the group.

Her eyes widened and her jaw fell. 'What?! What just happened? Did they just leave me?'

"Come on, Cheng Lan.. Let's go." Wu Bao urged her.

"Ah–oh.. Yeah.." Her head hung low and her cheeks blushed red.

She could only walk faster to keep up with Wu Bao who walked ahead.

Wu Bao sighed inwardly.

It was obvious to her that Cheng Lan fancied Young Master Shi Jin.

She also remembered that first time when they met him in the restaurant.