[Bonus chapter] Reliable Man

Song Jia had not activated her illusion ring.

Instead, she put on makeup, still making her look different than how she looked naturally.

Sun Xun was again surprised to see how she was able to change her appearance even without using the Illusion ring.

He had seen her apply it on her face once when he asked her how she was able to do it.

It was not a quick process and the result was incredibly good.

Right now, she looked like a Young Miss of a noble family.

But she didn't wear a lot of accessories. Instead she only tied her hair halfways with a ribbon.

She looked more carefree this way.

"How can you look so beautiful? You make my heart race every time you're near me–no, every time I think of you for that matter. You're the only person who has this effect on me." Sun Xun pulled her into his arms and whispered to her ear.

Song Jia felt her face heat up as she trembled against him.

His words dripped like honey to her ears.