Little Life

All these years, his sister-in-law had been boasting about her daughter being close friends with a granddaughter of one of the noble houses. And now, Wei Hua, his own daughter, had just told him that her friends are all from noble houses and one of them is a self-made young man!

The news came as a surprise. Wei Hua had always kept to herself and only focused on her books and music. Other than her interest in Medicine and Alchemy, he had not seen her with other children. She's not even close with her cousins who thrived in social interactions and who kept boasting their connections in front of her.

And to listen to her list off the names of her friends, all who have incredible backgrounds, was simply unexpected.

Wei Ai had even boasted about her friendship with Cheng Lan and Wu Bao, girls from other wealthy merchant families. But Wei Hua actually became friends with the owner of the two most popular stores in the Kingdom.