Screwed Up Plans

Even he, the Emperor, had to make arrangements just so the Song clan would not blame them for being neglectful towards Song Yimu.

And yet, Song Qing and Song Xia didn't even seem that much concerned.

If this was months ago, perhaps they would still have a little concern. But when they learned that Song Yimu was not innocent in all these, they have lost whatever affection they have left for her.

She was too ungrateful.

She was brought in the clan when they thought she was an abandoned child as she was left at their doorstep.

When they learned that she was actually Huang Dan's child with Huang Jun, they started to develop mixed feelings towards her. But it was when they realized that she cooperated with Huang Dan in harming Song Jia, they finally lost affection for her.

"I wonder about this too. General, Vice-General.. How come you both are so calm even with what is going on?"