
Their jaws fell open as they listened to her explanation.

They didn't understand anything.

With their heads cocked to the side and their brows furrowed, they stared at Song Jia with a dumb look.

"Did you understand that?" Emperor Ding Shun turned to Imperial Physician Fu Ning.

The latter cleared his throat then shook his head. "No. Not at all."

"Can you make it simpler? Pretend we're children.." Ding Shun asked.

He was interested in the strange words the woman had spoken of.

"There are four major blood types: A, B, AB, and O. The genes we inherit from our parents determine our blood type. Different blood types cannot be mixed together, or the blood cells could start to clump together. When people have operations and need blood transfusions, the doctors need to know ahead of time what their blood type is so they can give them transfusions of the correct blood type."

Fu Ning began to understand it slightly. "Genes? Transfusions?"