Long Story

Song Jia refused to talk about it unless Song Qing and Song Huo were also in the room.

Instead, she told him about the event at the Dai clan, her classes in Tranquility Conservatory and about the undead situation at the Sun clan.

They also talked briefly about the fox spirits.

"Do you think they have left?" She asked, continuing to take his mind off the topic he had been wanting to discuss.

He shrugged. "Perhaps. They know that the Imperial Army is on the watch for them. Maybe they'll be back to get the others."

"Are they going to head to the Pagoda of Life this time?"

"Could be."

"Would they need backup?"

"If they would show up with more of them, then yes. If it's only those two, then I'm sure the monks would be able to handle it by themselves. But there's also the possibility that they would target the Tranquility Conservatory."

Song Jia furrowed her brows. "Hmm.. Because the school was involved in capturing them?"