First Day Of Exams

What the students expected didn't happen.

Song Jia had walked out of the room with her head held high.

And so did the young students that seemed to surround her wherever she went.

The other students could only watch in wonder.

'Was she able to pass the exam? Or is she just skilled in masking her embarrassment?' Wu Bao wondered.

She was one of the students who expected Song Jia to fail.

Huang Yimu had told them before that Song Jia was actually ignorant and that the teachers who tutored them before had made it easy for her.

Once the students finished their exam for the Medicine class, they proceeded to the next room.

This time it was Alchemy.

The exam was almost similar to the Medicine class with Teacher Pan Zhen.

Teacher Li Jing had prepared several cauldrons at the front.

But before they can use it, they have to sort the ingredients on the table and name the pill or elixir that could be made using those.