1972, December
Outside a window of the Greengrass ballroom, snow fell in a flurry. Like a feathered pillowcase recently imploded, the snow whipped about under the harsh winter gale in violent surges of biting cold.
Illyrian stood watching this scene, away from the crowd of pureblood attendees, silently sipping on his wine. I'm only eight and yet they let me get intoxicated, I'm starting to enjoy this world more and more, now I only need a cigar to complete the ensemble.
Only a few minutes before, Illyrian had escaped the clutches of his mother. For the first hour or so of the gala, he had been paraded around the hall, shown off to friends, family, and acquaintances. It was always good to form connections, he knew this, but it didn't help drive the stiffness from his legs and neck.
"Good evening."
Illyrian sighed internally and then turned towards the voice. Standing slightly shorter than him was a young girl, draped in a frilly green dress.
"Ah, you must be the beautiful Miss Greengrass I've heard so much about. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." Illyrian moved forward, gently kissing the young girl's knuckles.
She blushed. "Ye- yes, my name is Violet. Who are you?"
Smiling, Illyrian bowed. "Why, I am Illyrian Black, at your service milady."
Violet giggled. "I can see that." She moved closer touching his arm. "Pardon me but I was just wondering what you were doing here all alone."
Illyrian studied her face. Young, soft features. Green eyes, blond hair. A typical green grass. She seemed harmless enough. "Why I was just looking out at the snow, see there, how it's drifting about in such a violent manner."
She moved towards the window, looking out at the snow with wide eyes. "It is very fast. I had never thought snow could be moving about like that before."
"Many do not look close enough at the details Miss Violet, may I call you that?"
She peeked over her shoulder, nodding.
"Your family is especially infamous for minding details though, so I'm sure you'll pick up the habit soon."
She turned back towards Illyrian. "Really?"
"Of course, though I am slightly concerned for you and your brother."
Violet frowned, moving closer to Illyrian so that they were only a foot or two apart. "Really, why?"
Illyrian looked away. "I really shouldn't say anything, it's just that all of us are thinking something similar I suppose."
Violet frowned, clutching her dress.
Illyrian internally smirked. Too easy.
"Please tell me!"
Illyrian sighed. "Alright, just don't tell your parents alright."
Violet looked unsure.
"I won't tell you otherwise."
Illyrian put on a troubled face. "Well, everyone here believes that your family may be… muggle-lovers."
Violet gasped. "What! Why would they ever think such a thing!"
"Well, everyone knows your family is fairly neutral in standing, but it seems as though they have an awful bit of favor towards the headmaster of Hogwarts and the half-bloods."
"Dumbledore? But why?"
Illyrian shrugged. "I couldn't say, but maybe you and your brother should be careful, your parents seem to be sacrificing your futures for some Mudbloods, at least that's what I've overheard others saying."
Violet looked bewildered. "No, that can't be true."
Illyrian shrugged again. "I couldn't really say either way, but standing from here, it doesn't seem entirely improbable."
Violet bite her lip and furrowed her brows in thought, then she looked up at Illyrian. "But, if they are, what do I do?"
"Oh, I don't know, you shouldn't believe random gossip. But if you're really worried, you and your brother, when we go to Hogwarts can stick with me. I'll show you how to look at the snow, just in case." Illyrian winked, taking another sip of his wine. "You ought to be off now, don't want your parents catching us now do you?"
"Uh, n-no, I'll make sure to tell my brother!"
Illyrian smiled. "Please do, and remember." Illyrian put a finger up to his lips. "Keep it quiet, we don't want you both getting in trouble now do we?"
At that, Miss Violet Greengrass curtsied, and quickly shuffled off to, Illyrian assumed, her brother.
Looking out at the snow, Illyrian smirked and continued sipping his wine.
1974, August
"A cat, really? Why not an owl, they have so much more utility than some four-legged menace."
Walking down Diagon Alley, Cyrus Greengrass, Violet Greengrass, and Illyrian Black were conversing about which magical pets they were hoping to buy.
"But they have so much fur, really, what do they do but meow and poo everywhere?" Cyrus questioned.
"Well, pets aren't always about functionality, if they were, we'd be putting collars on wagons or trying to feed our homes. A pet is something that should keep you company and give you comfort." Illyrian replied.
"I-I think I agree with Illyrian, pets should be cute." Muttered Violet.
Cyrus sighed loudly. "You always agree with Illyrian."
Illyrian smirked. "Of course, I'm always right."
Cyrus moaned. "Whatever."
The trio had already visited many of the shops in Diagon Alley, retrieving their needed supplies, they had only to get their pets and wands, and then they would be done with their pre-Hogwarts shopping.
They made their way towards the pet shop, Magical Menagerie.
"So, how's everything at home?"
Cyrus pursed his lips. "Same old. I really ought to thank you for warning us Illyrian. I can't exactly find anything incriminating but I can definitely tell that the way the other 28 are viewing us has changed."
Yeah, cause I've been spreading rumors. It's only a matter of time until the Greengrass household is within the Blacks' grasp. I reckon it will take a few more years of ingratiation and manipulation though.
Illyrian smiled. "Of course, what are friends for."
The trio entered Magical Menagerie. A man of average height stood behind a disorderly and simplistic counter. "Hello dear customers, is there anything I can help you with?" A multitude of prospective pets flapped, meowed, and croaked from across the shop.
Cyrus spoke up first. "I'm looking for an owl."
The shop clerk smiled. "Of course, of course. Please, this way young man."
Cyrus and the shop clerk moved off deeper into the store leaving Violet and Illyrian alone.
"So, what pet were you looking for?"
Violet shrugged shyly. "I'm not sure, probably an owl."
Illyrian's eyebrow rose. "But what about before, I thought you agreed with me?"
"I do… it's just, I don't think my parents would like for me to get something like that."
"Really, why? Don't you have a house owl?"
Violet nodded. "Yeah, I think they'd prefer it if I had my own though, so I can send letters to them whenever."
Illyrian turned to fully face Violet. "Look violet, you don't always have to do what your parents want, you and your brother have seen what attention they've been attracting. You should know by now that they aren't infallible. It's the duty of us purebloods to protect our lineage and fellow brethren before anything else. Traitors and Mud-blood sympathizers could be anywhere. Even our own homes. I know you have a good heart, that you care for our pureblood community, so trust yourself more, okay?"
Violet smiled, then nodded. "Okay, thanks Illyrian, you always know what to say."
Illyrian smiled back. "Of course, you and your brother are my dear friends, I will always protect both of you."
Violet and Illyrian turned around, only to see Cyrus practicing his vomit improv.
"I didn't know you could be so mushy and gross Illyrian."
Illyrian shook his head smiling. "Sorry, I did mean it though."
"Yeah yeah, gotcha, same here." Cyrus looked away, his cheeks turning red.
Violet giggled, running up to pinch his cheek. "Aww, is my big brother blushing!"
"Hey! Stop that! Getaway! Why don't you act this way with Illyrian, why me!"
The brother and sister duo ran after each other for a while in the shop until the clerk politely asked them to please behave themselves.
Violet purchased a cat.
The pair ended up wasting too much time chasing each other about in the pet shop and so had to go home early. They'd come back another day to fetch their wands, leaving Illyrian alone to purchase his.
Hmm, Ollivanders wasn't it?
Walking through the crowded street filled with robed wizards and mesmerized children; bright lights and the bustling noise of a market square, Illyrian finally found his destination.
A rather thin building sat squat in the alleyway, covered in glass panels allowing outside viewers to see in, the shop was oddly dark for being so open in its design though. Despite this, it still had a peculiar charm about it, some might even say it was magical.
Stepping inside, Illyrian immediately noted the cool atmosphere and rather dusty furniture. Sitting atop the main counter, which, by the way, looked as though it were covered in a fine grey film and only about four feet tall, perhaps for children, was a small golden service bell.
Should I hit it?
Illyrian didn't see anyone around the shop so he moved up to the desk, just as he was about to hit the bell, a voice rang out.
"No need for that my boy. Oh? If it isn't Mr. Black." Quickly scurrying from behind Illyrian to behind the counter was a rather old man, hunched, with greying hair. The only notable thing about the man was his eyes. Electric blue. To Illyrian, they looked as if they were glowing in the dark of the shop.
"Ah yes, that would be me. Illyrian, pleasure to meet you."
The old man grinned. "Ah, yes, a Black indeed, impeccable manners as always. The name is Ollivander my boy, Purveyor of fine wands and magical equipment since 382 B.C. How may I help you?"
"I'm here to acquire my first wand Mr. Ollivander."
"Dominate hand?"
"My right."
Ollivander's grin grew wider. Mumbling he began moving back into his shop. "Perfect. Perfect." He began shouting from back within the darkness of the isles presumably filled with wands. "Yes, I remember your mother and father's wands, I never forget one! Walburga Black, Eight and a half inches, Walnut, rigid, with a dragon heartstring core! Orion Black, Thirteen inches, hawthorn, slightly flexible, with a dragon heartstrings core! A very peculiar match might I add!"
"Most impressive indeed Mr. Ollivander. But might I ask, did you mean my parents or their wands?"
Ollivander chuckled quickly moving back to the wooden counter with several boxes in hand. "Leave an old man his secrets will you, I can't have you hurting my business now can I?" Dropping the boxes on the counter he spoke again. "Here we are, several varieties to try, do make this hard for me Mr. Black."
Illyrian smiled. "I'll try sir."
Handing Illyrian a wand Ollivander quickly described the make of the wand. "Thirteen and a half inches, Poplar, Unicorn hair, slightly flexible. Give it a shake."
Swiping the air with the wand, it flew out of Illyrian's hand rapidly, digging into the wall like a dart.
Ollivander shook his head. "Hmm, perhaps not." Grabbing another, he handed it to Illyrian. "13 inches, Cedar, dragon heartstring core, slightly rigid. Give it a whirl young man!"
Lifting his arm, Ollivander quickly stopped him.
"Actually, never mind, give it back, that won't do. Not at all."
Handing Illyrian several wands, the shopkeeper steadily grew more and more excited. Moving back into his shop, Ollivander came back to the desk with a new box. Lifting the wand out he gently placed the wand in front of Illyrian as if it were about to go off in flames.
"There, pick it up. 14 and a fourth inches, yew, dragon heartstring, rigid."
Ducking behind his desk, he gave Illyrian the affirmative. "Swish it my boy!"
Quickly flicking the wand, to Illyrian it seemed as if time had stopped. The world grew clearer as if he had been blind his entire life. Colors popped and he felt a sudden rush of adrenalin coursing through his wand arm up into his body like a python. He then felt something like molten steel slithering up his arm, tracing where he had felt the adrenalin, then it detoured, rising up his spine till it reached his head. An arching pain raced through his mind.
Gritting his teeth, Illyrian clenched onto the wand tighter. Then he felt something else, from deep in the pit of his stomach, a deep thick substance traveled up his body until it too enveloped his mind, but this time he felt much better, the miasma clearing his head and removing the pain. Then the two feelings dissipated and he subconsciously felt that the wand was now under his control.
"Mr. Black!"
"Huh?" Looking up from the wand, Illyrian could see Ollivander's worried face. "What happened?"
Ollivander harrumphed. "That's what I'd like to ask you! I've been trying to get your attention for several minutes now. I knew that wand would be especially volatile but it had more kick than I anticipated, it seems as though you were its match though Mr. Black." Ollivander then relaxed and smiled. "Now that you have conquered it, you won't be sorry, that wand will be exceptionally powerful. I've only sold one other yew wand in recent memory, they are very strange and very dangerous. Ollivander paused, eyeing Illyrian's wand. "Especially with that wand core. Be careful now Mr. Black. You've conquered that wand, but who's to say whether it will fight back once again. Treat it well and with care."
Illyrian thoughtfully looked at his wand. It was exceptionally long and straight. It had a neat appearance with hardly any decoration or flairs, and it was completely black. Nodding he looked back at Ollivander. "Of course, I'll keep that in mind."
Ollivander smiled wider. "Good."
"How much will the wand be, with a cleaning kit and holster?"
"Nine Galleons please."
With a twinkle in his blue eyes, Ollivander watched as his most recent customer exited his shop. Now how would he scare the next one?