A picnic Tomorrow


The door slammed opened. Cherry walked into the room with frustration, her eyes darting back and forth as if, she was searching for something. She threw her books on the floor. Things weren't going as plan,  her main aim of following Adrian  to Oxford was because she loved him and wished that their relationship change from casual friends into a couple- dating.

Oxford was the only way she could have Adrian to herself. But No! This brat called Camille won't let her. Cherry dropped her bag on bed and went into the bathroom. She turned the tap on and watched her face which was covered in sweat. The stream of cold water that washed into her face calm the racing of her heart and her hands shake less.

Cherry glared at the mirror, to see if she wasn't beautiful anymore, also to see what was wrong with her that made Adrian to choose Camille or was it because she was not a blonde?

After some minutes, she noticed that there was nothing was wrong with her and she was perfectly fine. Camille came in the way to spoil her happiness by offering sex to Adrian, may be she should have done that ages ago! Nevertheless it wasn't late yet, she could try now.


She wanted to ignore the sound of the  new text notification and continue crying. The last thing she needed now was any form of disturbance.

Unlocking the phone, she was text from Adrian and clicked on it.

"Cherry, what's up? Are you still mad at me?".

She dialed his number and then, left it on speaker.

"Hello Adrian" she said quietly.

"Hi Cherry, are you still mad at your Best friend" Adrian's voice came from the other end of the call asking .

"No, am not angry anymore" she said.

"Do you mind going on a picnic with me?" he asked.

"No, I will love to" she answered.  

"I glad you agreed. Have spoken to Jerry already, he is coming along.

"Why was Jerry coming along?" She asked herself

"cherry, Are you still there?"

"Yeah, I would like to know the Date, Time & venue?

"Tomorrow, 12pm and venue is a surprise, I will pick you up tomorrow. Is that okay by you?"

"sure dear" she said.

"Please don't disappoint tomorrow, cherry"

"I won't, I cross my heart" she smiled.


"Promise Adrian" she assured.

"Okay, then take care later".

Beep! Beep!!

The call caught from the other end. Her right hand moved up to ruffle her hair, she can't live without Adrian.

Cherry sighed. Adrian Brooks was organizing a picnic? It was so odd. He was an introvert ever since he was a kid. Why did he changed all of a sudden!

Whatever the reason was, she hopes it opened the door for all her plans.

She was angry with Adrian few minutes ago, now, the anger had vanished when he called. Adrian was her weakness and he soften her easily. She wiped her tears with a tissue.

When Cherry came out of the bathroom, the first thing that came to her mind was the clothes she was going to wear tomorrow. Cherry wanted to look perfect for Adrian. Maybe this will make him think twice before ignoring her heart.

She opened her wardrobe, all she could see was a boutique. Cherry was confused as to what she wants to wear for the picnic. This always happened when she was to go out with Adrian.

There was a blue jumps suit hanging, it's been long she wore something light. This was going to be okay she thought to herself. This will Bring out the killer curves she had. A thing Camille doesn't have she laughed.



"A picnic tomorrow?" Lizzy asked. The girls were sitting at the café after a class. They were so hungry. A picnic was a strange idea to them because they never thought of it for once.

"Yeah, Adrian said he wants you all to come along"  Camille said.

"I thought it was for you guys to get  to know each other" Lizzy teased.

"Nope, he wants us to related with his friends" she explained. 

"Including cherry?" Ava 

"Yes, the twins are his only friends" Camille replied.

"I don't like cherry a bit. That girl she is up to no good" Lizzy rolled her eyes up as she poured a drink into her cup.

"Why will you say that? Cherry is cool" she told them. So far, cherry give her any reason to doubt.

"There was a particular day, we were having a conversation with Adrian, cherry came around and dragged him away" Lizzy narrated.

"Like we weren't good enough to have a conversation with her friend. She disrespected us, which was bad" Ava added.

"Maybe they have something important to attend to. Am sure of that".

"Really? Still I Advise you watch your back" Lizzy warned. She didn't trust cherry".

"Don't worry, I will take care of myself" she smiled.

"Am happy for the two of you, your relationship is perfect" Ava said.

"Don't  tease me Ava" Camille laughed. Her friends were the only joy and support she had, now that Adrian came into the picture, her whole life was back on track.

What Lizzy said about cherry didn't affect her much. Camille believed that cherry can't hurt her. She was Adrian's best friend and there is no way she would hurt the one Adrian love.