Needs To Marry Her

(Warning: Mature Content Episode Ahead, if uncomfortable please skip your health Matters to me..But if Comfortable then Enjoy)

"Oh Really" he teased, as he held Her Hand helping her up, as she set looking straight in his eyes. They both stared at Each other for abaut two good minutes, then without breaking their eye contact he moved his hands to the bottom of her shirt moving it upwards slowly, when it reached her arms she raised both her hands up, making the process much easier, in no time the shirt was tossed aside down on the floor revealing her chest.

Then his Gaze fell on her Breast, dam she had beautiful breast with the perfect size, her nipples pointing outwards obviously erected, He liked the effect he had on her, this meant that she was enjoying the moment as much as he him, He smiled at the thought still staring at her breast he wanted to memorize them that he'll be able draw them with his eyes closed.

Her breast where sexually attractive that just a look on them will turn any man on, She realized his weird stare then asked shyly "What? you don't like them?" She asked while trying to cover them with her arms "No Mira don't" he exclaimed removing her hands from her breast "Im staring at them cos i want to memorize them, they are beyond beautiful Mira, they are Fucken Gorgeous" he said with his left hand cupping one of them "I want to be able to see them even with your shirt on, you're a goddess Mira" he said while squeezing it, "Ah" she let out another moan then crushed her lips on his.

They kissed for like three minutes with their tounges doing the most and her nails dug onto his back, making sure she doesn't hurt him. He groaned as she deepened the kiss, then he moved downwards from her lips kissing her neck, ears, jaw until her shoulders, he didn't stop kept kissing her until he reached her breast he stared at them again but not for that long then cupped her right breast and spoke onto it "May i plessure you Ms?" his voice send shivers down her spine just like the first day she heard it through the call.

Her Breast tensed up reacting to the sensual pleasure built within her instead of responding with words she nodded indicating a yes go on, but he wanted to hear her voice he needed to hear her say it "I want to hear you say it Senorita" she opened her eyes meeting a pair of green ones looking at her she stared back in his eyes gathering the courage "Didn't my breast answer you with the reaction they gave you" she said nearly In a whisper "It's obvious they want to be pleasured" still staring in his eyes "Yes they want to but what does their master Say?" He winked pinching her breast "aa.."

She bit her bottom lip to stop herself from moaning "Answer me Master" he said in a seductive tone, at this moment she couldn't hold in any longer the pleasure that built inside her needed to be satisfied "Please pleasure my breast, suck or spank them" she said closing her eyes "With pleasure Senorita"

He declared taking one of her breast inside his mouth, sucking on her nipple still staring at her face but her eyes were closed already with her fingers onto the bedsheets for support "aah" she moaned while he kept sucking and at the same time biting her nipple she bit her her lower lip trying to stop herself from moaning "Your moans are like music to my ear" he said while cupping her other breast giving it the same pleasure "Don't you know how sexy your moans sound, they seriously turn me on" he said still sucking and bitting her other breast "they fucken turn me on" she just bit her bottom lip in pleasure, he then moved downward tracing kisses all over her belly till he reached her bellybutton. He sucked on it giving her pleasure as she moaned "aah, Austin, you're so good" she held his head as she pressed it down her bellybutton "You Like that Hermosa?" He asked with his head still buried on her bellybutton she responded with a moan "aah fuck"

After he was satisfied with his work he moved down to her thighs tracing kisses all over them while removing her elastic shorts, then he tossed them onto the floor, he stared down on her laced panty which was in nude color, he was turned on by the color, he then started placing kisses onto her thighs while his hand firmly gripped on her "Mon amour" :my love: he spoke in french "ooui" :yees: she responded in french nearly like a moan "Je veux t'adorer" :I want to whoship you: Her body stiffened as she felt his breaths on top of her panty, the pleasure was too much that she responded with a moan "aah yes" hearing that gave him courage, he continued teasing her by tracing kisses on top of her panty, in no seconds he pulled down her panty and she raised her legs to let it flip off, when her panty was off he stared at her nicely shaved Pussy for a few moments before going down to her swallon Pussy lips then started sucking on them earning a moan from her "aah my gosh yes" he continued his assault on her Pussy then his tongue slid inside her and started thrusting in her "aah" she held the bedsheets so tight while moaning "aahh" the pleasure was too much but with no mercy he slid his finger inside her Pussy while his tongue toyed her clit this time "you are so Fucken warm, all for me" he cheered while thrusting his finger inside out, she didn't respond she just kept moaning as his pace increased "aah" his fingers pace increased with his face still fixed on her face and his tounge on her clit, he wanted to see her moan in pleasure, yes he was enjoying it..

Her pussy was so tight that he was scared of adding another finger suddenly he felt her walls tighten "My Gosh, I'm Ahh" she paused between moans "cuming aahhh" She tried siting up to stop him but terribly failed as she started trembling, "yes baby come for me" he removed his finger and tounge from her and placed his hands on her belly to support her as she orgasmed.

After A few minutes when he realised her trembling stopped he moved his lips upwards, again blessing her with kisses all over her belly till to her lips, he smacked his lips onto hers and they kissed passionately Mira could taste herself from his tongue, After few seconds she pulled away trying to reach for his cock "No Hermosa, Not Tonight" he stopped her as he pulled his boxers off then her eyes fell on his erection, she stared at it longingly and when he realised her stare she looked away as she was embarrassed of what he will think of her, but she relaxed as soon as she heard him "Don't be, It's all YOURS Hermosa, as you said it's your dick remember" she blushed hearing those words "Hermosa, you look beyond gorgeous when you blush" he commented then came to her lips but didn't kiss her he just stared at her seductive lips and mouth which was open trying to gasp air, she closed her eyes "No Hermosa, i want you to look at me when I enter you" she then opened her eyes staring into his green eyes which were in a darker color now, he tapped his member on her already swallon pussy he foreplayed with her by rubbing his member on top "ahh, I'm getting alittle restless here" she moaned but he continued rubbing his member while playfully smirking at her "so hermosa is restless huh" He continued his arouse on her "ahh" he then finnaly entered her, he tried thrusting but his member slid out since her pussy was so tight, After a few trials and with Her help he finally entered her "Aah" she moaned "Hermosa you are so tight and warm, i so Fucken love this feeling" he gushed while thrusting in her, she let out a painful moan this time "Ahg" as it was her first time "It's your First time?" He asked decreasing his thrust "Ye..ahh" then he suddenly pulled out "What now I was so close" she asked "Maybe you are not ready, it takes a real man to control himself at this point I.." "Sshh" she interupted him then searching for his member, when she got it she rubbed it on her pussy "I don't want to die a virgin, I'm way to attractive to die a virgin don't you think?" She snapped at him and he chuckled "ofcourse I just.." "You Nothing, do you want me to go sleep with someone else before you" she rolled her eyes then when she was abaut to move her hand away, he stopped her by holding her hand in place "I'm sorry I'm just trying to be a gentleman" he came to her lips kissed them while his hand was working on her entrance in no time he was inside her, she was so tight inside, it felt like she was manually squeezing his member which felt good.

He started Thrusting, with his pace increasing in each thrust "Aah" she moaned, Unbeknownst to her that her moans turned him more and more on, like someone is sticking a needle on his dick. Her Pussy felt so good, warm and tight he lost himself in her, he had fucked other girls but non of them felt so good like her, he wanted this girl, he Didn't just want her for that night but for the rest of his earth life which will never end, infact he needed to marry this girl..Her Walls Started Closing up "ahh, very close" she moaned in pleasure, He felt her wall tightening but he Didn't stop instead he increased his pace unable to take the pleasure anymore she closed her eyes "No" thrust "Don't" thrust "close" thrust "Your" thrust "eyes" thrust "i" thrust "want" thrust "you" thrust "to" thrust "look" thrust "at" thrust "me" thrust "when" thrust "I" thrust "cum", He spoke each word with a thrust increasing his pace, she shot open her eyes as her body couldn't take it anymore "Ahh" she started trembling as she orgasmed "aaaahh" she moaned, then suddenly his pace started decreasing as he was close too he started trembling while groaning "Ohh" she was abit recovered from her orgasmed she helped him by rubbing his back, "Oh, Yeah" he groaned in pleasure as he came inside her. She rested her head against the pillow while his rested in the crook of her neck, comfortable silent fell in the room, as they both tried to catch their breaths..They Stayed like that for abaut 10minutes with his dick still inside her then he finnaly pulled out his dick and went to the bathroom.

After a few minutes he came back with a towel in his hands he stared at her exhausted sweaty face, she was clearly tired as since she already dozed off to sleep he moved towards her, set beside her, warped off her sweats from her face with the towel and then moved to wrap between her thighs cleaning his cum from her pussy, but she was already asleep she (didn't feel that). After a few minutes of collecting their clothes from the floor, he placed them on the couch before going to bed laying beside her he placed her head on his chest placing a perk on her forehead before whispering "You're Beautiful" not expecting her to respond but she did "Gracias" he just nodded as if she can see him then rested too with his arms prospectively warped around her waist with hers on his.

An hour later Mira woke up, she was still sour with the sex they had minutes ago but she wanted more, she couldn't get enough of him, so she started aroused his dick playfully up and down, till it got hard and he slowly opened his eyes due to the erection "Oohhh" he groaned "Time for round two Tiger, but i want it from behind this time" she demanded, he flushed her a smile then touched her face caressing it "I didn't know you were this arrogant Hermosa, you'll get it exactly like how you want it babe as your wish is my command Hermosa"

Brought To You By Andrew