Revenge Hubby

(Warning: Mature Content Episode Ahead, Content..Skip if uncomfortable!!)

"tonight I'm going to punish you so badly that you'll think twice before doing what you've done hermosa" he spoke in a husky deep seductive tone which send shivers down her spine

"But..what have I.." "don't say anything, not another word" he stopped her as she tried to speak, he aggressively traced his fingers from her breast to her waist, then when he reached her waist line, he pulled down her panties slowly but aggressively leaving bruises to her thighs

He tossed her panty aside, then without wasting time his fingers were already teasing her entrance, he then positioned himself missionary style with her under, he put his dick which was already hard in her entrance and she moaned painfully "agh!!"

He just looked at her face, he knew she wasn't ready since he didn't tease her enough and her entrance was Abit dry, he didn't care though he forcefully pushed in his dick inside her and she just painfully moaned "agh" Austin didn't say anything he started thrusting in her as she continued moaning "agh!!"

Austin just went on and on without minding her moans, Mira held the bed sheets for support, she felt both pain and pleasure as he kept thrusting in her she could feel him going deeper inside her as with each thrust his pace increase "agh!! Aust..agh!!" She cried out in pain as of this moment she could feel his dick in her womb, okay thats just a joke but she could feel him very deep in her

She tried standing up but he pushed her back on the bed "agh!! Austin it hurts!!" She finally managed to say those words "that's what you get for misbehaving" he responded increasing his purse

Mira felt her walls tightening she knew she was close to her orgasm since she experienced it already and her legs started trembling "Ahh..go on I'm abaut to.." she spoke but didn't finish her sentence as he pulled out "I was so close why pulling out" she angrily asked "this is not to please you women, I'm punishing you" he in defferently spoke "but Austin I'm.." "sshh!! You're not saying anything tonight, not a word" he angrily responded

"Now get down on all fours" he commanded and she obeyed him by positioning herself in the commanded position, he helped her position herself with her legs and arms both on the bed, he entered her from behind with the same first intensity "agh!!" She painfully moaned "give me your hands" he said in a commanding tone

She willingly gave her hands which he crossed from behind her, he held her hands tight and started thrusting, the thrusts were very painful just like before or even worse then before, she uncontrollably moaned but no response from him

He thrust harder in her and with each moan he heard he would increase his pace, it's like the moans meant she was asking for more "agh..Austin you''re hurting me!!" She complained but he kept thrusting harder and harder

Her walls started closing "aghh!" She moaned, he also felt his seeds running which he realised he was close too but didn't stop thrusting he just kept pounding then started shivering and groaning "oh! oh!" He groaned in pleasure but didn't pull out "oh!!" He continued

Mira seemed to have recovered from her orgasm but was way to tired, Austin came inside her since she was already pregnant no risk at all, he stayed inside her for like two minutes then pulled out

He repositioned her on the bed in a resting position as he saw she was extremely tired, he stood heading for the bathroom he didn't take a shower just cleaned his brother with a towel, he wasn't that messed as all his seeds were in his wife, so he took the towel to bed where his wife was then cleaned her entrance

After a few minutes when Austin have finished cleaning up his wife he threw the towel on the couch then slept behind his wife with his arms around her waist, Mira seemed to be dosing already "I'm sorry Hermosa but you left me no choice" He apologized which she seemed to have heard as she just nodded

He teased her pussy by rubbing it, then when he realised his dick was hard already, yes it got hard as soon as he touched her pussy the fact is that anytime he comes close to her his dick starts getting hard, her body have taken control of him

Austin without wasting time, slowly placed dick inside her entrance from behind "I'm very tired hubby.. please let me can continue with my punishment Tommorow" Mira said when she realised his heavy breathing "we only had one round and you're tired already?" He teasingly asked "it was one rough round" she corrected "alright I'll let you sleep but I'm not pulling out, let's just sleep like she'll know who the owner is" "alright.." she agreed as she dosed off to sleep

Mira's POV

I couldn't sleep anymore the smell I felt in my nose made me open my mouth in a position of eating even though I wasn't, I finally opened my eyes then realised that my husband wasn't there I slowly stood up, I of course felt pain both at my feminine and thighs I didn't understand the pain from my thighs but immediately did after I took a glance at my thighs

Austin didn't kiss me last night but kissed my thighs he left Hickey's on my thighs instead of my neck this is really embarrassing, they were scratch marks on my thighs which must be his, i put on his office white shirt which barely covered my thighs then went straight to the kitchen

The bedroom wasn't far from the kitchen as it was a hotel room after all, so it wasn't a surprise that I reached there faster than in our apartment, I couldn't believe the man I saw infront of me, he was wore black Nike pants with a matching sweater, his hair was still dump assuming he haven't dried it

I went close to him of course slowly with the pain I felt, I hugged him from behind placing her arms on his waist "good morning" he shyly greeted clearly he wasn't expecting the hug from me, he thought I might hate him after last night "good morning to you too hubby" I responded and he nodded

I knew that if I kept quiet then he'll feel more guilty, Austin have never been so rough with me during sex, he's always been so sweet and making sure I'm pleasured before himself, whatever made him do this really made him angry

Netherless, Austin is my husband, if having rough sex give him more pleasure then I'll do it again "I am very hungry, having rough sex isn't easy" I joked hoping to lighten his mood "it will be ready in a minute, it takes a real man to have slow sex, it's like torture" he confessed, i just nodded not letting go of his waist

After abaut five minutes, Austin was done with his baking he set me down on the wooden kitchen chair and took the cake from the oven, it had a little icecream on the top exactly how I like , he knew I craved fora cake mixed with icecream, he took a spoon and cut a piece with the spoon then brought it to my mouth which I took in

I couldn't explain the feeling I felt, it was more than delicious I completely lost my senses in the flavour Austin was curiously looking at me obviously waiting for my comment, I closed my eyes enjoyng the I didn't think of anything else but the flavour the deck was even better than the one from the shop

I continued Enjoying the flavour then he asked clearly tired of waiting for my response "how does it taste?" "Greater than the one from the market" I said licking my lips "oh really thanks!" He said taking another spoon to feed me "you know what" I asked "what" he confusingly asked "promise to bake me this cake atleast once a week" I pleaded "ofcouse I'll bake you this cake everyday if you like" he responded dipping another spoon in my mouth "thank you" I said thanked him after I swallowed the food

He kept feeding me for like ten minutes now, I was satisfied by now so took the spoon and started feeding him too, he didn't refuse as he opened his mouth as soon as the spoon got to his mouth, I've never fed him so this was clearly my first time and he seemed to be amused by my sudden reaction "thank you Hermosa"

he thanked me which confused me as I didn't know the reason for that "for what?" I asked "For feeding me" "are you kidding me, you feed me everyday, I mean since I've come here I never ate by myself and you're thanking me for returning the favour, seriously?" I snapped "just thank you Mira" he said hugging me, I returned the hug by rubbing his back "you're welcome" I assured "alright let's heal my thighs now" he commanded taking my hand and leading me to the bed where he set me and started working on my stretches on my thighs, his eyes suddenly lit up with fire with his hands pressed on my thighs

Four days later

Our trip was coming to an end they were only two days left before our trip officially ended, I wanted to do something for him that will make him never forget our trip, I was coming from the bathroom

I took a bath to clean up before putting on my outfit, it's been four days since that incident and Austin haven't touched me, no don't get me wrong he did touch me in a loving way but not what I wanted, he obviously felt guilty for what he have done the other night, he also believed I was still sore which was right but now I feel perfectly fine

The bruises on my thighs were healed and have no marks or scars, I lotioned up then took out the sexy sleep outfit I ordered earlier, I purposely sent Austin out to the market, I pretended to craved for an apple pie which could not be found in this hotel as I earlier asked chase abaut their recipes and confirmed that they didn't have a apple pie,

Austin also tried ordering it but was disappointed as they didn't have it which forced him to go else were to get me my cravings, I didn't really want a apple pie eating it will be my last wish, I can even vomit mentioning it I don't know abaut when I see it

It didn't matter though as long as I succeed with my plan, I sprayed my hair, looking in the mirror where I spotted the braid Austin made with my hair last night, it looked really great and with the fact that he did it then I'll not un-braid it so I instead styled it in long curls with a straight line in the middle, the braid was braided close to my left ear so it perfectly suit

After some minutes when I was satisfied with my hair I did light make-up then after after my make-up took the sexy lace Scarlet red night gown which was a see through and in red, I wore a fancy bra and panty which came with the package both of them were in a Scarlet red colour with my lips fully painted the same colour it made me look more sexy

Finally after I finished dressing I wore my favourite perfume the one I ordered from Chanel I never wore it as I was saving it specifically for this moment, then I heard Austin at the door he opened it instantly then entered he was holding a pie keeper "Hermosa I.." he froze not finishing his sentence as soon as he saw me

I warked seductively slowly towards him, swaying my hips, when I reached him I kissed his neck without my hands touching him, he was just frozen as he didn't move his jaw wide open, I then touched his face playing with his lips "let's play a game" I seducingly asked and he just nodded

I searched for his eyes which were already looking in mine, I stared in his eyes for abaut two minutes then without breaking the gaze my hands started running down his spine inside his shirt "I..the..pie hermo.." he couldn't even form words, I noticed he was still holding the pie keeper I took it from him placed it on the kitchen cupboard and started kissing him "that can..wait" I whispered in his ear "I want to have you first"

He seemed to have unfroze as he responded to my kiss with the same intense and started moving his hands on my back which I rebuked "no no no hubby, the game is all abaut hands off challenge, you don't get to touch me" "alright challenge accepted" he removed his hands from my back then just took my upper lip and sucked on it while I took his lower lip

We continued kissing with me reasing him with each chance I got, I kissed his neck at times just to turn him on, I sucked his tongue and at times his earlobes, I started getting wet and horny but I couldn't give up teasing him the aim was to arouse him

I ignored the feeling between my legs and continued with my job "Ahh" I intentionally moaned which drove him crazy as his hands started to to touch me and kiss roughened, in the past month I've noticed how my moans were a turn on for him so used this skill to tease him which seemed to have worked as I got his reaction "Hermosa..oh...I..oh..want you now!" He said between groans "no touching hubby" I reminded removing his hands from my back, not that I didn't like his touch no this was a challenge

I pushed him down which landed him on the wooden chair, then I started unbelting his trouser since his shirt was already off, I don't even remember the time I removed his shirt, after I've worked on his trouser's belt I pulled his trouser down which his boxers followed, I realised his dick was already hard "please oh" he groaned with his eyes closed "why are you doing this, why so slow" he asked with his eyes still closed

"You said slow sex is torture to you right" I asked "yes..please don't torture me..ohh" "well rough sex is torture for me too, take this as revenge Hubby" I playfully said then kneeled down touching his dick, his eyes followed me and I saw the fear in them, but still darkened with desire "listen, you can give then I win and you'll have to do whatever I want for a month" I suggested "and what's that?" "I'll be the boss in bed, always on top, I get to decide our sex positions" "what? That will be like everyday torture..I rather ohh!!! We continue now so it" he said

I rubbed his dick, now his hands were on his face,he was sweating and I liked that, just when I was abaut to take his dick in my mouth, my phone rang I forgot it on the kitchen counter table "no please don't pick up,, you'll call them back later" he pleaded with his eyes still closed, when the ringing stopped I ignored it then almost continued with my task

Just when I was abaut to take his tip in mouth, the ringing started again "god dammit" he cursed and I stood up going to get the phone "who's it?" He asked "victorine, I'll just tark to her and then we'll continue with the challenge okay" I assured him "no, just call her back later" he begged "don't worry just a minute" I said then pressed the green caller icon then spoke not bothering to place it on my ear

"You're abaut to disturb the most precious moment Vickie what's...." "Please come home" she said, her voice sounded like she had flu which must be a result of her crying "what happened Vickie why are you crying?? Did someone break in the house? I'm so sorry" "no it''s Daniel" she corrected "what did he do?" I spoke with anger, if Daniel have done something to my friend then I won't be able to forgive myself as I was the one who set them up, Daniel will pay dearly

"What did he do to you Vickie?" I asked one more time "he's..he's..Mira" she stattered "what?" "He's dead Daniel is dead Mira" she confirmed