Chapter 255 - We Will Protect You

"I'm not going to argue with you about this. It's pointless." Lucas said, "Young Master has made his decision, you have to respect it!" 

"So you want to see his future ruined?" Vincent growled in a low voice, "Are you telling me to let Young Master make such a grave mistake?"

"For God sake open your eyes!" Lucas sharply interjected, "Try to step out of your echo chamber for once and look at yourself. Who are you to say that Young Master's decision will lead him to a bleak future?"

He leaned closer, not planning to hold back from shading Vincent though he mainly aimed at knocking some sense into his head. "What do you think Shawn Morrison will do if he finds out about your relationship with Miss Starla? The Alpha sovereign surely won't spare your life if he finds out a servant like you is dating his granddaughter!"