Chapter 292 - There Is Always An Exception

[Gilbert Foundation, NYC, 3:00 PM]

Traute closed the door and walked with brisk steps, carrying what appeared to be a brown envelope in her hand. "Madam, the blood test and the DNA test results have come out!" 

She carefully placed the envelope on the desk, causing the other woman to spin her chair around and took the envelope.

"Did you not hear the news? There's a recent attack to Falcon Group executives." The Madam said as she opened the seal. "Who are these people?"

Traute swallowed her throat. She had no idea how the news didn't mention Ryley at all. Rayven was clearly targeting Ryley and according to the street surveillance camera, Ryley was definitely inside that car. 

"I will send someone to find out soon." 

The Madam only replied by raising her brows and pursing her lips, then her pair of hazel irises swiftly scanned the result.