Chapter 322 - Hide Us From The World

However, the man had decided that he no longer wanted to look childish in Ryley's eyes. He couldn't let himself act rash because of these pictures.

Clyde could have sent back to Sean some pictures he secretly took when Ryley was sleeping half-naked in his arms. But he didn't, simply because he knew it would only harm Ryley's reputation. 

In the end, the love he had for Ryley was bigger than his ego. And it made him a better person than he ever was yesterday or any day before. 

He pressed the lock button and lifted his gaze to see Ryley, but the blond blankly stared at distance while rubbing the bracelet in his hand. 

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" He asked, which immediately brought Ryley back from his reverie.

"Ah, no. Nothing..." Ryley answered, shaking his head timidly. His thumb still rubbed the surface of the bracelet coiling his wrist without him realizing, all because his mind was preoccupied with something.