Chapter 488 - Till Death Us Do Part (pt. II)

"I will."

Ryley also answered so naturally, the nervousness that he had been battling since disappeared once Clyde took his hand and gently wrapped his big palm around it.

The Alpha puffed out his chest and slowly cleared his throat before following the bishop's words.

"I, Clyde Jason Aldric, take thee, Ryley Kyran Schwartz to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part."

Ryley followed suit when his turn came, the nervousness slowly spread on his blushing cheeks, but his handsome face remained radiant. 

"I, Ryley Kyran Schwartz, take thee, Clyde Jason Aldric, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, and to obey till death us do part."