Chapter 526 - Harvest Your Venom

Vincent couldn't exactly recall what he heard or saw before he finally lost his consciousness. But now that he slowly opened his eyes, the blurry world before him was turning upside down.

Before long, he realized that he was tied both hands and feet, and hung by his ankles from the roof of what appeared to be a warehouse.

Where was this? How could he end up here? 

His vision finally returned to him when he thought of the most important question— where's Ryley? 

What happened to him?

Seeing that an armed guard nearby was slacking with his buddy, Vincent took advantage of the moment to silently break free from the cable tie that locked his wrists together. 

He was still bleeding profusely from his temple, but he had no time to waste now. He didn't even allow himself to speculate about who could have crashed the lorry into their car and kidnapped them.