Chapter 607 - A pair of Enigma and Pureblood Alpha

Medea's mouth opened but not a word came out, too stunned by the question the Alpha raised.

"No... you are lying..." she insisted, "You must be lying! Nothing can destroy the progenitor's great power!" The woman hissed through her gritted teeth, turning her back on Clyde as her palms tightly clenched into fists. "Not even Ryley will be able to do it! But he must have done something... yeah... he must have done something!"

"Tell me now! What did Ryley tell you last time?! What did he do in the Passing Realm?!" She asked again, her tone demanding.

Clyde coughed and spatted out a mouthful of blood, then wiped his mouth with the back of his trembling hand while he struggled to rise up.

There was just no way he would tell Medea that Ryley was getting screwed by an unknown man somewhere in this world.