Chapter 740 - Let's Go See Kangaroos!

Yves's question hung in the air like a storm about to break, and Lucas knew he stood at the precipice of a revelation that could shatter their fragile balance.

Lucas hung his head slightly, concealing the tension that had crept into his features.

The weight of the question bore down on him, threatening to unravel the carefully guarded secrets of his heart.

In the midst of this charged moment, Martin interjected, his voice cutting through the tension.

"I secretly ran a background check on you when you unintentionally helped Gracia against Ryley in the past. Those women you've been taking into your place... they all resembled Claire Morrison."

Gripped by disbelief, Yves let his mouth fall open as his face drained of color. He locked eyes with Lucas, astonishment and realization dawning.