Chapter 761 - A Malevolent Force

Starla shivered in fear as she witnessed the raven, a symbol of darkness, preying upon and tearing the gentle dove apart.

"Stop it...!" She cried out, her voice filled with desperation as she attempted to separate the two birds.

But the raven, driven by a malevolent force, lashed out at her, causing her to cower in retreat.

"Guards! Guards, help...!" Starla's voice rang out in a desperate plea as she bolted towards the door, exiting the room with her frantic cries echoing through the halls.

"Help!!! Please, someone help!!!"

At nearly the same moment, Claire had just stepped out of her car, her steps echoing through the suspended air.

The tranquil night had been shattered by her daughter's scream, her name carried by the wind.

"Starla? Starla!" Claire gasped, her heart seizing in fear as she raced towards the mansion, dread clutching at her.