Chapter 779 - I'm Not Your Pet!

"Who are you?! Why am I here?!" Ryley's voice erupted in a growl, his struggle against the chains binding his wrists intensifying. "Let go of me! Don't touch me!" he barked at the guards, his desperation evident in every strained breath.

Gloria observed the scene with raised brows, a flicker of amusement playing across her face.

It seemed the information Vincent had provided her wasn't inaccurate.

The blond before her appeared to be grappling with his own identity, a turmoil evident in his frantic attempts to break free.

Instead of delving into the depths of Ryley's forgotten memories, Gloria opted for a different strategy.

She intended to wield control, to craft Ryley into the mold that would serve her purpose, intending to groom him for a role he had yet to understand.

With a calculated calmness, Gloria approached the bound and bewildered Ryley.