Chapter 872 - You Remember Its Pain

Groaning in pain, Yves struggled to regain his bearings, his vision swimming as he fought to push through the haze of dizziness that clouded his mind. 

But before he could gather his wits, the man's sinister smile flashed in the dim light, sending a shiver of dread coursing down Yves's spine.

With a merciless grip on his hair, the man dragged Yves across the floor, his movements rough and unforgiving.

"No! No! Let go of me! Argh!" Yves's cries echoed through the darkness as he struggled against the iron grip of his assailant, his voice filled with desperation and fear. 

But his pleas fell on deaf ears as the man continued to drag him mercilessly across the unforgiving ground.

With a rough shove, Yves was forced to his knees, the cold, hard floor pressing into his flesh like a vice.