Chapter 881 - I Wouldn't Want You to Leave Me

But he dared not speak of it aloud, knowing that to do so would only serve to further confuse and unsettle Ryder in an already tense moment. 

Instead, he remained silent, his mind awash with troubling thoughts and unanswered questions.

When Ryder went back to his place, the late hour casting shadows across the quiet rooms, he was surprised to find Nathan in the study. 

Nathan was surrounded by piles of photo albums and recordings, lost in a sea of memories.

"I thought you had an early flight tomorrow?" Ryder asked, his voice laced with concern.

Nathan looked up, a warm smile lighting up his face as he stood and pulled Ryder into a comforting embrace. 

"Welcome home," he greeted, his tone filled with affection. "Don't worry, there's been a change in plans. Starla Morrison fell ill, so they've postponed the event until she recovers."