Into The Town, We Go


The trio stepped out of the vehicle, looking at the foggy scene. 

Look left; look right. 

Look up; look all around. 

Angzen could see a few glimpses of the buildings around them, but not very much. 

If not for the moon, showing its dim rays past the fog, though most of it was blocked off by the denseness of the fog.

With a full 360-degree view, he tilted his head clockwise, taking it all in. 

"So creepy." He murmured. 

The streets were empty, with no vehicle moving in any lane.

But maybe what was even more disturbing was that the vehicles at the side of the roads were marked very hurriedly, as though people were running from something.

The scene was truly disturbing. 

Doors left open; cars parked vertically on a horizontal road; everything made Angzen's chest grow tight. 



What was that?

Angzen jumped like a cat dunked into water.

"Relax. It's just an owl."