A Shocked Hazen

One moment everyone saw Dorian smiling weirdly. And the next, he was now holding the neck of one of their Navy Lieutenants.


They didn't even see how he managed to teleport himself from one point to another so fast. 

Still, their weapons were drawn out the moment Dorian held their comrades' necks.

Only 13 out of the many hundreds had guns. 

As Navy officers, they weren't police officers.

So they were generally not allowed to carry pistols while on duty unless they were those like Hazen and Gia Ming. 

"Drop him!" Hazen exclaimed.

"I said, drop him now! That's an order!"

Order? You dare to order the Grandmaster around?

"Asshole! Put your weapon down, Haz!" Gia Ming roared. 

He felt like smacking this idiot to death. Do you know who you're pointing your weapon at? Inwardly, he thought he should prepare a grave for this guy if the Grandmaster got angry and retaliated.