[Bonus chapter]A Rude Bunch!

Alive? Yeah. The survivors were indeed alive. But they weren't the only ones. 

"pardon my manners. But I have to oblige you all to stop your simmering. Tis' it not tiring? You are boring my ears." An annoyed voice rang out.

It was a young girl with luscious hair dressed up like those in the 1910s. Her attire was dull, using primarily black and blue vintage colors

It was as though she stepped out of the movie: Titanic.

Her skirt was ankle-level, her boots were particularly low, and her gloves were elbow-length. Her only exposed body parts were her head and neck.

Her accent, her proper command of the language, and her demeanor were amazing to see someone live in the flesh from the 1910s. But for Jenny's group, it spelled bad news for them.