Finally Over! Victory For All!

---A few days into the future. ---


Officer Macy and several others are invited one by one for interrogation by several men in black. 

They wore black suits and had black glasses on. 

Every word Macy said was taken seriously. 

Macy rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "What was that moment like, you ask? Well, I can only tell you this... the young should never be underestimated!"

Macy took a deep breath, recalling the entire scene. 

It wasn't just her, but many other officers and even prisoners who also retold the epic scene with wild vivid animation. 

Of course, the townsfolk also gave their statements too.

"Listen closely, I swear, this is how it went down."

"At this point, our saviors were all bloodied up, with their clothes torn and burnt in some places. They looked as if they were about to faint, with heaving breathing and weak strength while they assisted each other to stand against the many enemies."