Loki's Reputation

Loki smiled and teased the angry bunch as much as he could, while slowly releasing his illusionary skills. 

The fools won't even notice that he had a clone replacing him. 

The trick had to be done at the right time, as the switch was also done a thousand times faster than the speed of light. 

Who was he? The infamous Trickster who fooled even some higher Gods. 

He had to admit that all 100 angel guards standing high above him were indeed tough and very sensitive to changes, but after getting caught by them a few times he too has learned to correct his errors and adapt to the ways these Angels operate. 

Don't think that just because he was a Trickster by nature, his many tricks came easy. 

No way. Every trick he could now do perfectly was only brom from repeated efforts. 

Many times he would get caught but still do it, again and again, a thousand times if necessary until he finally perfected his art.