More Guests?

While everyone, including Hotanzi were wrapped up in thoughts of their own, Dorian calmly looked to the entrance as though waiting for someone. 

Soon, a familiar but unfamiliar face appeared, waltzing in as though they owned the place. 

Wouldn't you know it? It was the dashing looking 24 year old man who boarded the same flight to Cygypt with them. 

He had a light vacation shirt on with only the last 2-buttons buttoned. He wore brown khaki shorts and sunglasses that seemed stupid and redundant since they were already inside a dimly lit underground tomb. 

He looked like a star with his vibrant looks. But of course, he didn't come here alone. Walking alongside him were 2 other ladies and 3 other men.

The ladies also looked amazing, with curvaceous bodies that could make a man's mind go wild.