Chapter 1.2 [Rebirth]

The Shen family ate dinner together. The teenager was already happy just eating with his family, especially now that he could once again taste his mom's cooking.

He still needs to find a part time job and then maybe he should also try and find that guy.

"Ohhh our Xiao Rui is in a good mood, did something happened?" Mother Shen asked as she saw his son eat twice more than his usual fill.

"Mom's cooking is the best. Ah, should I keep some so we could eat it later?" hmmmm he felt that it was something like that. Before his death they rarely afford any meal and would eat a little to keep for later.

Shen Rui nod his head like he understands and stood up from his seat to grab some tupperware to store food.

The rest of the Shen family: "...."

After eating lunch with everyone he went back to his room and shut his door just so he could quickly write what had transpired.

This is his second chance he needs to take things seriously.

"I think something must have happened to my brother." Shen Zhen was the first one to break the silence. While his father agreed, he must still be mad about the car.

"Buy your brother two red cars. No, make that three so he could destroy one to vent his anger and play with the rest."

Mother Shen slammed her hands at the table in anger "This is why I told you to just buy him the car, look at how depress Xiao Rui is."

The men of the family did not speak and just nod their heads at mother Shen. It was their mistake this time.


Shen Rui who was depressed according to his family couldn't be more happier with life. A soft bed and three times meal per day plus now he can see his family again.

He just needs to be as low key as possible. AHH he almost forgot that he still needs to write down the important things he remembered.

First the Shen family would be bankrupt because of him so he should stay away from other kids of the upper circle. Second he needs to stay away from that guy because he hates him. Third he needs a part time job and then it would be his road to independence.

He closed his eyes remembering the dark memories but he shook it all away from his head. Muttering it never happened again and again like a prayer to the gods.

The computer was opened and he begun to search for possible part time jobs that he could apply for. He had a little experience at working as pianist in bars but he can't be a server because he is kind of weak.

Shen Rui is contemplating what should be done but after a few minutes he decided he would just find the old bar where he was working.


Shen Zhen was smoking in the smoking area, the smell of tobacco doesn't lessen his agitation.

"That's your third stick." Shen Zhen turned around only to see that it is his best friend Fang Yan.

"I feel like my brother is bothered by something these days" Ever since the car tantrums his brother locked himself inside the room.

"Did you not buy the red sports car?" oh shoot it seems that even outsiders caught wind of why their youngest is throwing tantrums. It might seem like it was the car at first but after a while it doesn't seem right at all.

"We bough three of those things so he could play with it however he pleased." The bro con continue to tell all about his brother once again while Fang Yan listened patiently as always.

If people saw the two president talking about the sweet honey angel as Shen Zhen like to call his brother, their illusion of the aloof presidents would vanish. Fang Yan is just visiting the Shen company because he had business nearby but he saw his best friend smoking so he went to talk.

His eyes lowered creating a shadow on his face, "Shen Zhen I have to leave, my break time would be over, I'll visit your house next time."


Shen Rui looked around his room in search of anything that might help him for applying for a job. As expected nothing was found, his room was filled with game consoles, disk and mangas that it would be a surprise if he even find one.

The cellphone placed on the table suddenly rang the familiar ring tone echoed through out the room.

It was Fang Yan, his brother's best friend. He wanted to pursue him before but he left for another country before he could make his move. He doesn't know if Fang Yan hates him and is just trying to get along with him because he is Shen Zhen's brother or he genuinely doesn't hate him, Fang Yan is nice to him before, until he showed his motives of chasing did he change.

In this life nobody should know that he is gay even his family and especially Fang Yan so he could have a normal relationship with the man.

"Mr. Fang what's wrong?" Shen Rui answered the call. His usual way of calling Fang Yan gege was completed omitted by the boy himself.

Fang Yang on the other side of the phone did not immediately speak, just silently listening to the boy's breathing.

"Let's meet." The teenager was shocked by Fang Yan's sudden invitation, he clearly just planned to not meet him and hide away from sight and the man himself is trying to meet with him. What great luck he had.

He doesn't know if he should cry or not AHH.

"Yan-ge ehem I mean Mr. Fang I'm busy at the moment and so I don't have enough time to meet with you. " Shen Rui is not the type of person who knew how to lie, even his habit of calling the other Gege was deeply engraved into him that he called out unconsciously.

"what is keeping you busy?" on contrary to Fang Yan's usual character he continued to pry into things. The boy scratched his head in frustration at his brother's best friend, why is he suddenly interested in what he is doing?

"T-that.... ah! Yes, it's a secret. I can't tell you because it is super important that I can't even tell my family. If you saw it you would be forced to follow my every order forever! So don't ask anymore, byeeee." he end the call before Fang Yan could ask any more questions.

Phew just asking him to back off is so hard, he is so glad that he thought of some excuse that could buy him some time.


"I don't mind following your orders." Fang Yan's eyes soften. At the thought of the boy his hand clenched the phone on his hand.

The beeping noise wasn't as loud as the beating of his heart despite it being pressed on his ears.