Chapter 3.2 [Pain]

"What happened?" Shen Zhen appeared in the hospital ward with Mr. Shen after 40 minutes.

"Your brother collapsed because the water he drunk isn't clean." Mother Shen sigh in distressed.

Shen Rui is sleeping on the hospital bed while Fang Yan is currently peeling the apples to turn into rabbit shapes. Fang Yan knows how much the little prince like rabbit apples and that's why he learned how to do it.

"wooah who would expect that Mr. Fang would know how to peel, if your fans know about this they would go crazy." Shen Zhen teased his friend that caused him to frown.

"I don't have fans, I'm not involved in the entertainment industry. Before you say something about me you should do something with the arrogant default face you have." Fang Yan rebutted before returning to peeling the apples.

Shen Zhen wanted to complain, it's not his fault that his face always look angry, if Fang Yan looks cold he on the other hand look grumpy.

It's their genes! His father also looks like this, only his brother looks like their mother so he have an innocent looking face with a mischievous attitude cultivated by the whole family.

Despite that Shen Zhen still undoubtedly looks handsome. It's only with the first impression that you would think he is an easily anger man but after knowing him you would know that he is a bubbly and fun character.

"By the way auntie is asking me when will you get married or if you are dating someone, gosh it's always me she is asking." Fang Yan did not bother saying anything, he only gently put the knife down before gesturing him to get out of the room.

"I want to smoke" He muttered before shutting the door close.


After the door was closed Shen Rui who was supposed to be sleeping opened his eyes. He remembered this, auntie Fang wanted Ah Yan to get married and he would introduce someone later.

"Don't be greedy, he is straight and you can't change that. Shen Rui you would enjoy life and will live quietly."

He wants to ignore everything related to Fang Yan and attend school. He didn't experience going outside much and was always home schooled.

If he entered school he would be in third year highschool, this could still work. He would attend the school for the second generation kids and his school would be a total breeze lah.

Even though a lot of people did not know the Shen family has a younger son since he usually doesn't attend parties, Shen Rui would be fine.


Fang Yan and Shen Zhen went to smoke in the smoking area.

"Tell my mom I'm interested in someone. That would make her silent for a while" he puffed a few more before putting it down in the ashtray.

Fang Yan was never interested in dating or finding a wife, he is busy taking care of the little prince and the company to care about such things.

Who let him be such a handful?

He felt like if he left Shen Rui alone he would suddenly slip and hit his head just like a cute baby brother he want to dote on him and give him the best in the world.

"I always tell that to auntie Shen. By the way thanks for helping I'm bringing Ah Rui in the hospital."


Shen Ran is sitting alone in their bedroom waiting for her husband to come. Shen Rui is staying at the hospital with Fang Yan and Shen Zhen so she is at ease.

This time her youngest son requested something by the ward this afternoon. He said he wanted to go to class like other children.

How could she refuse the child who wanted to have a normal teenage life.

"What are you thinking about?" Shen Lu just finished his bath and saw his wife lost in thought about something.

"It's about Xiao Rui, he wanted to go to school"

"Then let him. We just need to make sure the doctor in the clinic would be reliable and could help him in times of emergency."

Mrs. Shen breath a sigh of relief at how fast her husband had agreed.


"You can be discharged today"

After staying a night in the hospital taking a bunch of solutions and medicine, he is fine and ready for discharge.

"Didi, I'll let my secretary handle everything. You can go home first with your Yan Ge"

Shen Rui sneakily look at Fang Yan, their eyes met and locked for a few seconds before he looked away like a frightened cat with its hair standing up.

"Thank you Mr. Fang"Shen Zhen looked at the pair with a confused expression. Most of the time his brother is sticking to Fang Yan whenever he is around. They must have had a fight and still hadn't made up.

"Xiao Rui it's not good to fight, quickly make up with your Yan Ge or he might leave the country again." Shen Zhen said in a teasing tone.

Shen Rui glared at his brother and then clutched the corner of his clothes, the corner of his eyes turning red.

"Ah Rui ignore your brother, how about living in our Fang Villa for a while? Mother would definitely be happy with you around." Fang Yan invited the little prince to their villa. He always went there whenever he throw tantrums with his family so he knew the Fang family well.

"ahh shit mom would get angry with me. Hey Ah Yan don't bring my brother, he needs to go home."

Shen Zhen was ignored by the pair as they walked through the white corridor of the hospital.

Fang Yan is the only son and he is living with his mother and grandfather. Don't mention his stupid father, he is living in a separate villa with his second wife so technically Fang Yan has a brother similar in age with him.

His family is so dog blood just like a typical rich family.

"Ill go meet auntie and grandpa for awhile." He hummed a little before walking behind Fang Yan. Shen Rui is walking behind a few steps when his hands was pulled by Fang Yan who suddenly stopped walking.

"walk by my side so I can see you properly."