7|The best young son in the early 1980s (7)

What Ji Changze eats at Liu's house can be said to be a delight for the guests and the host.

The Liu family is not the kind of buckle, since he brought pheasant and fish, they did not stingy with good dishes, and a table of dishes was put on the table at noon.

He also specially clamped the big drumstick to him.

Ji Changze was not at all polite, so he ate as soon as he gave it to him.

If this were the case before, Liu Huifen would definitely think that this kid had a thick-skinned face, and he would not even push or give in. He also said that he was not here to eat and drink.

But now she was happy because of what her husband said to her before, and she didn't even think about it.

After eating and washing the dishes, Mother Liu also said to her in a particularly fond tone: "I think Changze has a very straightforward temperament, and he came along with your dad. It seems that you really misunderstood before. Him."

Liu Huifen looked back and saw Ji Changze sitting there learning to play chess with his father.

It's true that Erlang's legs are still tilted.

There is no righteousness all over the body.

Even the scornful person who smiles is not wrong.

Obviously the image she has seen before is exactly the same, but how can it be so disgusting.

Mother Liu is still talking about: "Your parents-in-law are also good to you. They are in the country, and now they don't allow chickens and ducks to be raised. They will only eat meat even worse than us, but they are all like this. Ze sent the pheasant and fish he caught. I used to say that they didn't seem to be close to our house. Now it seems that I think too much."

Liu Huifen immediately ignored Ji Changze.

Yes, the attitude of her in-laws to her is the key point.

If it is true according to what Changguang said, now that the mother-in-law knows to be considerate of her, that would be a good thing.

The mother and daughter are in a good mood and cleaned up the kitchen.

When the chicken was stewed before, Liu's mother specially set aside a large bowl of chicken, and it was calculated that most of the chicken was in it.

Plus half of the fish, and their own dishes, filled with a basket full.

My in-laws would rather give them pheasant and fish instead of eating it. Their family is not the kind of take advantage.

Mother Liu put all the food in the basket, and handed it to Huifen Liu: "When Changze leaves for a while, you give him this. I think Changze treats you as a sister-in-law very well. People treat you well and you have to It's good to be nice to others."

"I know mom."

Liu Huifen took the basket awkwardly and nodded.

Although she also felt that Ji Changze seemed to be getting better, she always felt something was wrong in her heart.

Thinking about it, Liu Huifen remembered something wrong.

Bicycle! !

Even if Ji Changze is a sweet talk, it is an indisputable fact that he coaxed Changguang to buy him a bicycle!

That's a bicycle!

Not to mention how difficult it is to get a bicycle ticket, just say that the money spent on buying a bicycle is the money that has been saved for so long.

Liu Huifen's face suddenly turned ugly again. Mother Liu noticed that her daughter's face was wrong and looked at it strangely.

"Huifen, what's the matter?"

"No, nothing."

Liu Huifen didn't tell about the bicycle, and she was not stupid. If she said it, even though it was the money Changguang made, her parents must feel uncomfortable and felt that Changguang did not consider her.

And if the money doesn't come back, Changze, as well as his in-laws, will feel a little unhappy in my heart.

When the time comes, the long light will still be caught in the middle.

When Ji Changze was about to leave, it was Ji Changguang and Liu Huifen to see him off.

Liu Huifen took the basket and handed it to Ji Changze: "Take these back to your parents and tell them that I have nothing to do this time. Next time I will go to see them with Changguang."

Ji Changze took it over, seeing Liu Huifen's behavior and knew she had something to say.

At the second glance, she guessed that she was definitely talking about bicycles.

Ji Changze doesn't like to owe people things. If it weren't for the collapse of the people, he would just find an excuse to send the bicycle back.

But he, who has tried every means to coax a bicycle to come over, can't say that he doesn't want it.

Then you can only fool you.

Liu Huifen just opened her mouth: "Changze, there's another thing..."

"That's right!" Ji Changze cut off the topic immediately, with a bright smile on his face: "Sister-in-law, you reminded me that there is something else."

Under Liu Huifen's blank gaze, he took out the rear panel car, took out the packaged small box, and stuffed it directly into Liu Huifen's hand.

Liu Huifen looked down at the small box: "What is this?"

"This is a good thing."

Ji Changze's expression "I'm about to start blowing", Barabala said: "It contains all kinds of mountain products that I have carefully selected. There are all kinds of products, some can be eaten, and some can be. Just baked them as snacks, I have heard my brother say, you two are going to have children, sister-in-law, you must raise your body, these wild products are the best and most nourishing for your body."

He was very shameless and began to exaggerate his merits: "I did it for these things, but it took a lot of effort."

Ji Changze didn't speak.

It took him a lot of effort to pass the money to Uncle Seven.

Liu Huifen took this small box with exquisite packaging and looked at her uncle in amazement: "You got this from the mountain?"

After all, there was a wild pheasant in front of her, and she suddenly thought that Ji Changze was a mountain product that was specially made for her.

Ji Changze's noodles didn't change his face: "Where did I get my sister-in-law, don't worry about it. Anyway, you know it's a good thing. You can eat it first, and I'll bring something else after it's finished."

The box was very expensive at first glance, and Ji Changze was so loud that Liu Huifen was immediately embarrassed.

"What a shame, don't bother you."

"No trouble, no trouble."

Ji Changze smiled hippiely: "Isn't it just for my sister-in-law, or for my future nephew and niece? It's all a family. It's okay for me, an uncle, to prepare for them. You look at my elder brother. Mine, it's not that I almost drowned when I was a kid, my eldest brother, he remembered that till now, he has always been very good to me."

Huifen Liu was taken aback, what else is there?

She looked at her husband next to her, and she saw Ji Changguang's expression of guilt: "Don't say that, I should be good to you. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been ill from childhood to adulthood. They say behind your back that you are lazy and not working."

Ji Changze waved his hand indifferently: "I didn't want to work, they just said what they wanted."

The more he said this, the more people felt that he was pretending to be free and easy to make Ji Changguang feel better.

Ji Changguang felt sorry for his younger brother even more: "It's all my fault. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been unable to do farm work, otherwise you wouldn't marry An Xiaolu..."

Although An Xiaolu has nothing wrong with her character.

But the fact that she is a dumb is enough to make Ji Changguang feel sorry for his brother.

"Brother, what are you talking about? Xiaolu is pretty good. Although she can't speak, but a high school student, if she hadn't become dumb now, it's like me, and it's not worthy of others."

Ji Changze: "I'm very satisfied now. Ever since you got married, and seeing my sister-in-law treat you so well, I have always thought that I will also marry a good-student, gentle wife like a sister-in-law, Xiaolu That's because I was lucky enough to get married. Brother, don't say such derogatory things to her in the future. This is the same as you don't like to hear others belittle your sister-in-law, and I don't like to listen."

In what he said, he not only praised Liu Huifen's good temperament in reading, but also pointed out Ji Changguang's protection of his wife, and also set up a personality that loves his wife.

For younger girls, a man defends his fiancee righteously.

This is enough to make them feel full of affection in their hearts.

Not to mention the previous words.

Liu Huifen completely forgot about the bicycle, and shyly pushed the wooden husband next to him: "I heard what Changze said, Xiaolu is very good, don't talk too much in the future."

Although she has never seen this future sister-in-law, she already has a good impression in her heart.

Ji Changze said, An Xiaolu is as gentle as her temper.

Can a sister-in-law like her not join her!

Ji Changze seemed to have just thought of it again, and asked: "By the way, my sister-in-law, you work in a supply and marketing agency and you have seen a lot of things. Do you know where there is a box of mountain products that I sent you to sell?"

"Packing boxes?"

Liu Huifen touched the beautiful bow on the box: "I haven't seen this thing, but the box supply and marketing cooperative sells it. Would you like to buy it."

Ji Changze nodded: "Sister-in-law, do you know the price? Is it expensive?"

Liu Huifen was holding the box, thinking that Ji Changze specially sent her the mountain products, full of sincerity, she would not accept it in vain.

"If you buy that kind of carved box, it must be expensive, but there are some that are broken. For example, if there is a lock on it and it is locked, or it is rubbed off a little, it will not affect the practicality. But according to the regulations, this is handled as defective products. If you want it, I will take you to our supply and marketing agency. I am a salesperson and can buy it cheaply."

Ji Changze nodded happily: "Thank you sister-in-law, sister-in-law, you have helped a lot."

Liu Huifen didn't ask him what he was buying the box for.

Anyway, she can help.

Because he wanted to buy a box, Ji Changze came out of Liu's house with his sister-in-law. How about someone in the DPRK who can do things well? Liu Huifen bought a bunch of them for him at a particularly cheap price.

Ji Changze gave the money and found a place with the sun. He quickly packed the box and put it on the mountain. Then he pushed his cart to look around, and went to the yard where the family members of the cadres lived in his memory. .

Recently, it has been another slack period for farming, and it is also the best time to visit relatives and see people.

After Ji Changze stayed there for a while, he saw a person coming with large bags and small bags.

As I walked, I looked around.

At first glance, I'm not familiar with this side.

He took off a weed in his mouth and looked at the man's clothes.

Not bad, well dressed.

Ji Changze threw the weeds and greeted him with a natural attitude: "Brother, give gifts?"

The man immediately became vigilant, and quickly hid his gift behind him: "No, no, I'm here to see my relatives."

"Hi, I live here. I have seen so many gift-giving people back and forth. What are you afraid of? I won't report you."

Seeing that this person is still full of vigilance, Ji Changze shrugged and stepped back; "Ok, just treat me as nosy, but don't blame me for not reminding you. The check above is strict. Just look at the packaging for your things. It's not cheap. If you send it up, people will definitely not accept it. Maybe you think you're bribing."

What he said was true: "I have been here for a long time, and two people have just been kicked out. There are more things carried than you."

This person was startled when he heard: "Really?"

"What did I lie to you for? If you don't believe me, go in and try it yourself."

As Ji Changze said, he lifted his chin and motioned for this person to go in by himself.

"But don't blame me for not reminding you. If you give too much a gift, it doesn't matter if people are unwilling to collect it. I'm afraid that you will report your bribe if you don't collect it. Tsk tsk tsk, then you will be jailed."

The man stopped.

What if you get kicked out if you get in.

He wanted to ask someone to do something, but he didn't want to step on thunder and go to jail.

Ji Changze didn't care about him, leaning on his cart and whistling.

The man really couldn't help it, and came over by himself: "Little brother, ask you about it, did you really see someone being kicked out?"

Ji Changze is very confident: "Really, if you don't believe me, just find someone who lives here and ask."

This person is here to give gifts, so he can't wait to quietly enter and then quietly come out, how dare to ask others.

When Ji Changze said so surely, he believed it.

Seeing him standing still wanting to go in but not daring to go in, Ji Changze said, "Hey! What am I doing, I call you!"

"Come and come here."

He called people over, opened the plastic sheet covering the cart, took a packed box and handed it over:

"Otherwise, if you send this, the exterior packaging is good, and the inside is wild products. If the cadres don't accept your gift, you can give this to others, saying that the wild products are not worth much, but it's your mind to replenish your body. You can't be said to be a bribe if you send a mountain product. Even if it fails, he will definitely not report you if he accepts your mountain product, right?"

This person suddenly realized: "Are you speculating?"

Ji Changze curled his lips: "The words are so ugly, do you want to buy? I tell you, I will not leave here, you bring in my mountain products, if they don't accept them, you give me things, I The money will be returned to you."

Shanhuo is not worth much money. What's more, what Ji Changze said is quite reasonable. The man was moved and asked, "How much is it?"

Ji Changze made a gesture.

"So expensive?!! I can buy a bunch of them when I go to the supply and marketing agency! And how many things do you put in such a small box."

Seeing his face, "You might as well grab the money," Ji Changze rolled his eyes: "Go to the supply and marketing agency and ask, are there any mountain products? Even if you can buy mountain products, you can buy them like mine, with beautiful packaging and complete classification. , Can you take it out? You think it's good if you have more stuff? Find a rag bag, and you just fill a bag full of wild products in. Can you take it out?"

This is really impossible.

Ji Changze added: "Anyway, I'm here. If you don't send it out, I will refund you the money, and you will not lose money. If it is sent out, it will be that you spend money to buy people's goodwill. My price is expensive. Where do you go, those things you buy are expensive, do you think you are buying mountain products?"

This person: "?? Am I not a mountain product?"

Ji Changze: "It's safe for me. People don't accept your gifts. If you send out wild products, people will be embarrassed not to accept such cheap things. If you accept the gifts, don't you need to worry about the other party reporting you?"

He clarified, and clapped his hands again: "Tell me, you have sent it out, and people think you are good, but if you didn't send it out, I will refund the money. Are you losing money?"

This person shook his head blankly: "No loss."


He clapped his hands: "Give me the money."

Ten minutes later, Ji Changze patted the money in his pocket and continued to lean on the cart with weeds in his mouth.

If this person gave out the gift, everyone would be happy.

If the expensive gifts were not given out, and only cheap mountain products were embarrassed to refuse to send them out, then he would be able to go back sooner today.

Sure enough, after a while, that person came out.

Ji Changze looked at the original bag he was still carrying, and the box containing the mountain products was gone.

He raised his eyebrows: "Let me say, congratulations, although I didn't succeed in giving gifts, somehow others are too embarrassed to report you because of the wild products."

"You now know the benefits of my mountain products, right?"

The man looked a little frustrated, but he nodded: "I see, eh, I just want my son to have a job, and I don't squeeze other people's positions, just want him to be stable, how can it be so difficult. "

"Eh, so young, don't be discouraged, why don't you try more of them as a family, come here, you bought my mountain products, insurance."

This person is not short of money, but he always feels that he is being taken advantage of by thinking about the expensive price of such a small mountain product in front of him.

"You are too expensive, just some wild products..."

Ji Changze's rudder could not be taught: "I just told you, is this a wild product? This is safe!"

"In this world, only safety and health are the hardest to buy. You should feel fortunate that you have spent such a cheap money to buy safety."

"The most important thing is that no one else sells these except me. It's a knowledgeable person to see you like this. Have you seen anyone sell it?"

The man shook his head.

Ji Changze: "If I didn't sell you mountain products just now, would you not be able to deliver anything and worry about being reported?"

The man nodded again.

Ji Changze: "If you go to find someone else, will you also encounter this situation?"

Nodded again.

Ji Changze: "Then you say, should you buy it?"

This person figured it out: "Buy! Give me these wild products!"

"Huh! Good!"

Ji Changze took out a clean sack, put the box in it, paid the money in one hand and the sack in the other:

"Here, your safety."