9|The best young son in the early 1980s (9)

When Ji Changze went back, he said to Ji's father and Ji's mother just as he said to the old ladies.

The two were stunned.

When the younger son finished speaking, they didn't speak for a long time.

Ji Changze waved at them: "Father, Mom, what are you doing?"

Mother Ji reacted and grabbed her son's arm abruptly, her face was full of surprises, and hurriedly asked: "Changze, what you said is true? Are you really a worker?"

"Can there be fakes? I got the money back."

Ji Changze took the ten dollars and dangled in front of his parents, and said in a particularly proud tone: "I have already spent all the money you gave me before. If it weren't for someone else's manager to advance the wages to me, how could I take it? Get the money."

Listening to his tone, it seemed as if it was a proud thing to spend the money for the marriage directly from his parents.

If this is replaced by another parent, it may not be overwhelming.

But when it came to the Ji family's parents, who treated their youngest sons as their hearts and souls, they just skipped it.

No way, Ji Changze didn't know how many sad things he had done since he was young.

To sum it up in one sentence, there are more lice.

The attention of both of them was diverted by the fact that their unpromising young son actually became a worker.

Mother Ji received the ten dollars, very excited.

"His father, did you see that, we Changze has a good life!"

She was never so happy when Ji Changguang was a worker before. After all, Ji Changguang was practical and hardworking, and she also had some academic qualifications. From the beginning, they didn't worry about what he would do afterwards.

But changing to Ji Changze is different.

This kid has been lazy since he was a child, let alone work hard, it would be nice if he doesn't mess things up.

Although they love Ji Changze, they sometimes worry about what the younger son will do when they are gone.

It's all right now!

Don't worry!

This is a worker, and there are still twenty yuan a month.

Ji Changguang's salary is only 25 yuan.

Mother Ji was so happy that she pulled her younger son to praise: "I said long ago that we are promising in Changze, Changze, we have to work hard when we go to the factory. This is a good job. Look at how many people in the village want to be workers, but you can't go."

Ji Changze curled his lips: "What's the future? This is my kindness in return. If I didn't kindly help the factory manager up, would I become a worker?"

"Yes, yes, we at Changze have a good heart."

Mother Ji cheerfully praised the youngest son a few words, how comfortable and comfortable she wanted in her heart.

Now that Changze is about to get married, and he becomes a worker again, it's like double happiness.

I can't complain that she heard a magpie call by the persimmon tree at the entrance of the village this morning.

Ji's father was smoking the dry smoke, although he didn't say much, but the expression on his face was relaxed and happy. He was obviously happy that Ji Changze's young son became a worker.

"By the way, my sister-in-law's family also asked me to bring vegetables back."

Seeing that both of them had believed, Ji Changze turned around and took the food on the cart and handed it to them.

"so much?"

Mother Ji looked at the dishes in surprise. Before Ji Changze coaxed her to send the pheasant, he said that he would bring the vegetables back, but she didn't believe it very much at that time.

Who is willing to send the meat to the mouth?

As a result, now, she actually saw so many dishes, this pheasant, I am afraid that half of the chicken is in it.

After flipping over, there are still fish.

Ji Changze didn't say that the fish was also delivered by himself. He just looked smug: "That's not true. I told you that my sister-in-law sees me very closely. I have a mouthful of Changze. I passed by, and their family immediately brought out the best dishes. Entertain me, didn't I take the pheasant over? There were only two legs, one for me to eat, the other was brought back by me."

As he said, he dropped his hand in the sky, and pointed at the pheasant, he said, "Sister-in-law also said that it is not easy for her to ask for leave, otherwise he will come back with his eldest brother. Next time, she must ask for leave to come and visit you. , Mom, isn't my sister-in-law being nice to our family? Why do you always say bad things about her."

Ji Mu's expression is complicated.

Looking down at the pheasant, indeed, there is a drumstick lying there.

Who didn't know that the fattest and most delicious place for pheasants was their two legs. The Liu family didn't touch them at all, and they were all sent into the stomach of their Ji family.

Thinking about the words that the elder son said before, Ji's mother felt a bit sad in her heart.

Thinking about it now, in fact, the eldest daughter-in-law treats them very well. Ever since she married Changguang, she always buys this and buys that and sends it back. It's just that Changguang's idiot never tells her that these things are benefits. Fen bought it.

Let her think that Liu Huifen, the people in the city, look down on their rural parents-in-laws. If they don't come back to see them, they don't say anything. Every time Changguang comes back alone without even a message.

It turned out that Huifen was filial to them, and she prepared everything.

To say that yesterday, Mother Ji still felt a little grudge against her eldest daughter-in-law who never came to see her, so today, after Ji Changze said that it is difficult for Liu Huifen to ask for leave, this grudge was gone.

She took these dishes and smiled at Ji Changze: "Don't talk nonsense, when did I say bad things about your sister-in-law? I think Hui Fen is very close."

Ji's father smoked a cigarette in confusion, and looked at his wife: "Zhang Ze is right, aren't you always saying that Huifen is not good here and where is bad?"

Mother Ji twisted her eyebrows: "Is that my fault?! It's not Ji Changguang's little bastard, who didn't know to speak to his wife at all. If he didn't say anything, I didn't know anything, would I misunderstand Huifen? ?!"

Father Ji felt that this matter couldn't be counted, so he took a cigarette: "You can't blame Chang Guang for this, you haven't asked him..."

"Then why don't you ask?! What you said seems to be my fault. Why didn't you know who bought those things from Changguang before, and now you are talking about me."

Speaking of Ji's mother, she was angry: "I think you and Changguang are both virtues. Everything is wrong between Huifen and I. You two stood by the side watching the show, eh, don't you remember, When I was twenty-five years old, Changguang fell down and blamed me. Hey, you don't know how to speak for me, just look at me and be told by my mother."

"By the way, when Changze went to the mountain when he was a child, your mother blamed me for not taking good care of the child. Have you said a word for me? No, Changguang must do whatever you want. He doesn't know how to protect Huifen. You don't know to protect me. If it weren't for your father and son, the relationship between our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law wouldn't know how good it is, you are all to blame!"

Father Ji: "..."

After all, I blamed him.

Seeing this, Ji Changze hurriedly interjected: "Anyway, it's all right. Next time Sister-in-law comes, we will be nice to her."

When Mother Ji heard the younger son talking, she immediately changed her face, looking at Ji Changze lovingly, her voice lowered by an octave:

"It's still our Changze who is sensible, not like your dad. We still talk about the sesame seeds and rotten grains."

Father Ji: "???"

He says? !

He says? ? ?

Who is the one who said a lot of things Barabara just now.

Seeing his dissatisfaction, Ji's mother glared at her husband: "Is it true what I said? Are you dissatisfied, Ji Aiguo, you are just like you, you always don't remember, Changze, mom tells you about you Dad is too unreliable. In the year I was pregnant with Changguang, your father told me that he saw wild chrysanthemums in Dongshan and wanted to pick them for me. The result? You are over twenty this year, let alone spend, I I didn't even see a leaf."

She was very unfair for Liu Huifen's appearance: "Chang Guang is also like this. She never said that Huifen is good before my mother, and the relationship between our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will not get better. ."

After that, Mother Ji took a look at Ji Changze lovingly: "Except for me, Changze, seeing my parents, Ze Duo obedient, sensible, and promising, I saw that I taught it."

Ji's father stopped speaking.

Ji Changze seized the opportunity and patted his chest proudly and promised: "Don't worry, mom, I was taught by you. I am definitely not the same as my father and brother. I am absolutely good to my daughter-in-law!"

If this was what he said before, Mother Ji would definitely feel a little bit sour in her heart.

Why is the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law always tense? It's not because for the mother, she has worked so hard to raise her son, but in a blink of an eye, it is another woman that the son wants to protect and love.

Especially when there is a conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, it is strange that the son can be at ease in his heart for other women to oppose him.

But now, Ji's mother doesn't feel sour at all.

She thinks that her youngest son is really good, unlike his unscrupulous father and elder brother, he is particularly fresh and refined.

So Ji's mother replied with a happy face: "Hey, it's my father Ze."

Ji Changze chuckled his mouth and laughed, "In order to show my determination to treat my wife well, I will go to settle down now!"

Mother Ji was taken aback: "What are you going to do?"

Isn't this not officially married yet?

In the village, Ji Changze, who has always had a mixed name, has a face full of righteousness: "Isn't An Xiaolu's mother sick? The team allowed her to cook at home. I'll go to her house to see if I can eat something."

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly added: "Of course I didn't go for a meal, I also wanted to help."

he? help?

I don't even bother to fold a quilt at home, and I can't wait for someone to pass the water to my mouth to drink.

Father Ji took a puff of dry smoke: "What help, you just went to Cengfan."

"How do you speak!"

Because of the old things, Ji Mu's anger has not subsided. Hearing the husband demolish the younger son's stage, his eyes stared again, and he said fiercely:

"Who said that our Changze is going to eat rice, Changze! Mom will get you some meat, you take it, and show it to others better, but don't be like your father and your brother, like your daughter-in-law's stuff."

So, five minutes later, Ji Changze carried the meat mixed with pheasant fish as he wished, and covered it with a cloth and went out.

Mother Ji was in a moment of breath before, but now seeing that the meat that finally returned to her mouth was about to go away, she felt unwilling to give up again.

Upon seeing this, Ji Changze deliberately appeared procrastinated: "Mom, can't we eat this meat at home? An Xiaolu might not like meat."

Father Ji passed by smoking a cigarette, "Haha."

The dissatisfaction on Ji's face immediately turned into righteous words: "Changze, how did your mother teach you, be nice to your wife, go quickly, don't be the same as your father."

Ji Changze still looked reluctant: "Mom, I remember you don't seem to like An Xiaolu very much, let's eat this meat by ourselves."

Ji's mother used to have some opinions on this future daughter-in-law.

It's a dumb guy-communication is definitely not smooth.

Parents' sickness, injuries and injuries-there is a drag in the family.

Looks good-recruit bees and butterflies.

But when I had a unilateral quarrel with Ji's father, I remembered the grievances I had suffered over the years, and because Ji Changguang, the eldest son's careless operation, caused her to misunderstand her eldest daughter-in-law for so long...

Yes, in Ji's family, Ji's mother can't be wrong.

If she is wrong, it must be because someone gave her the wrong information!

She absolutely can't let Changze, the last one in the Ji family who can be rescued, become a guy like his father and brother who destroy the harmony of the family.

Mother Ji: "Who said I don't like Xiaolu anymore? I like such a good girl with a high degree of education, a good-looking and filial piety, I like it tightly!"

Ji Changze: Yes, the plan works.

He strolled and ran away with the meat.

Half an hour later, Ji's father was sitting in the doorway smoking a dry cigarette, and suddenly found that his youngest son was running back.

He raised his eyebrows and craned his neck to look at Ji Changze's hand behind him: "Changze, you wouldn't be the one who ran to eat the meat and come back."

Ji Changze chuckled and took out his hand behind his back.

A handful of yellow chrysanthemums fell in front of Ji's father.

Father Ji was stunned, and looked at him wonderingly: "What are you doing collecting flowers for? You can't eat them."

"Give it to my mother."

Father Ji smoked a dry cigarette: "No, your mother just has to say a few good things to coax, she has always been very good."

Ji Changze: "Father, hold a flower to say good things, it's better to coax."

Ji's father: ...it seems to make sense.

He took the conversation and waved his hand like a child: "Okay, let's go."

Ji Changze answered on his face, but quietly stood at the door, watching Ji's father holding the handful of chrysanthemums and walking straight to Ji's mother who was sweeping the yard.

As soon as Mother Ji looked up and saw this scene, she was taken aback for a moment, and then fiercely: "What are you doing! I want to give it to me now? It's too late!"

Ji's father looked serious and put the flowers forward:

"I just think you are very suitable for these flowers."

Mother Ji looked up and down at the handful of chrysanthemums, her eyes staring: "You said my old lady's face is yellow?!!! Ji Aiguo, you want to die!!!"

Father Ji did not rush, and slowly said: "I mean, you are just like them, no matter how cold the weather is and how sad it is, you can be beautiful. I hold these flowers in the palm of my hand as if I also hold them. You hold it in the palm of your hand."

Mother Ji was stunned, with a blush on her cheeks.

She reached out to take the chrysanthemum, and gently pushed Ji's father: "Just as you would say, don't you be greedy, I'll heat the meat for you."

Seeing them reconciled, Ji Changze ignored it.

He leaned against the wall and touched his chin, thoughtfully.

An Xiaolu had just returned from the town with medicine, and just walked to the entrance of the village, a person popped out from behind the big tree.

Ji Changze held the meat in one hand and the chrysanthemum in the other.

Pass the chrysanthemum forward.

"Comrade An Xiaolu, these flowers are for you."

"Because in my heart, you are just like them, no matter how cold the weather is and how sad it is, you can be beautiful."