11|The best young son in the early 1980s (11)

Zhang Laosan wanted to kill Ji Changze.

But under the big brother's open smile (strong biceps), he can only leave with a dry smile that is a little uglier than a wry smile, and follow Big Brother Zhang like a little chicken.

He left with a sullen face, and the others also said nothing.

Ji Changze sighed again: "I didn't expect Zhang Laosan and his brother to have a really good relationship."

As he said, he looked at An Xiaolu again and said with a smile: "But my relationship with my brother is better. Don't worry, Xiaolu. My parents love me, and my elder brother and sister-in-law love me. You marry me, absolutely It's a blessing."

An Xiaolu has been studying hard since she was sensible, and she didn't hear things outside the window. When did she hear such sweet words, her face flushed again and she nodded shyly.

She believes that if Changze is so good, her married life will be very good.

And the people who heard Ji Changze say this: "..."

An Xiaolu doesn't know, can they still know?

In the matter of marriage, it may not be a good thing for the woman to be loved by the man at home.

Not to mention anything else, let's take a look at the men in the village who are treated as baby bumps by their families, and what status their wives are at home.

Whoever says that the whole family treats this man well, it will treat his wife well.

An Xiaolu is still too naive.

I think so, but no one dared to expose Ji Changze's "sweet words".

After all, Zhang Laosan was just taken away by his elder brother.

As a result, they could only stand on the spot and watched Ji Changze, who had never had a good reputation in the village, left happily with the silly sweet An Xiaolu.


One person sighed; "This is really a flower stuck on the cow dung."

Several others nodded in agreement.

Even if Ji Changze really became a worker, his lazy temperament would surely turn his job into pornography sooner or later.

Coupled with his bad reputation, he can still be a bit fresh about An Xiaolu when he is not married, and they can guess what it will be like when they get married.

Poor An Xiaolu, originally a promising high school student, looks good and filial and sensible.

Who would have thought, suddenly he was dumb.

It's really tricking people in the world.

When An Xiaolu took Ji Changze home, An's father was cooking porridge with a cane on the fire.

He is only in his early forties this year, but his hair is gray early, his face is dark because he has been working in the field, and all he reveals is honest decadence.

He should be decadent. After all, he has been living tightly at home since the separation. He finally gave birth to a good daughter. He was sensible and obedient and could read books. Seeing that his life was better, who would have thought that suddenly, this Home becomes like this.

Father An actually needs to raise his legs well, but he feels distressed that his daughter is busy alone at her young age, so he uses crutches to do what he can to help.

Hearing the movement, he raised his head. After seeing Ji Changze also coming in with him, his expression was first stunned, and then even more mournful.

An Xiaolu agreed to marry Ji Changze for the sake of this family, which also made An's father feel that she was useless.

After all, his daughter had been studying abroad and didn't know the situation in the village, but he knew very well, and he also saw with his own eyes how Ji Changze was lazy and not working, and how old a young man he still needs to be raised by his parents.

A young man, he is not even willing to go to the ground to earn centimeters, so what else can he do.

In addition, Ji Changze's reputation has not been very good. I heard that he is unwilling to even pour water at home, and insists on nibbling the old to the end.

Father An has always regarded An Xiaolu, the only daughter, as proud. Now that An Xiaolu is going to marry Ji Changze, who is not well-known and has a bad reputation, how can he be happy.

Knowing that An Xiaolu had made a marriage without telling her, and that she could not change it, An's father almost died of self-blame.

He doesn't like Ji Changze, but An's father is not the kind of person who doesn't know right from wrong.

Knowing that if Ji Changze hadn't given the bride price, his wife would not have been saved, and now he would not be lying in the house well, even if Ji Changze was not good, he would be kind to them to settle down.

Therefore, Ji Changze saw his future father-in-law, after seeing him come in, he was stunned for half a minute, and then he didn't know what he thought of, and with a mournful look, he forced a mournful smile at him.

It's better not to laugh than to laugh, it is almost necessary to write the words "strong smile" on the face.

If this were replaced by someone else, I would definitely feel unhappy in my heart.

But who is Ji Changze?

Without showing any expression on his face, he opened his eyes and smiled and called out: "Uncle, my mother asked me to bring some meat to see you."

Father An is beating his chest from the bottom of his heart.

His Xiaolu!

Such a good Xiaolu!

Why are you marrying someone like Ji Changze!

Oh my god! Why don't you have eyes!

The person he would rather marry is his old man! !

He was thumping, and when he heard this, An's father nodded in mourning, and said dryly: "Ah, that's it, it's really polite, and I will give you meat...huh???"

Suddenly it realized that what Ji Changze was talking about was delivering meat, and Father An's funeral expression turned into shock: "Meat?!"

Ji Changze's reaction to him is not surprising.

After all, meat is expensive, and it's not only expensive. If you want to buy meat, you also need a meat ticket. For rural people nowadays, they can only wait until the end of the year to kill the pigs and divide the meat.

Second, even if no one is firing in the village now, it is very difficult for meat to appear.

It can be said that at this time, shopping with a pile of meat in your hand is the same as shopping with a stack of money in your hand.

He smiled and said, "Yes, meat, I went to my elder brother's house today, and my sister-in-law asked me to bring it back for my parents to eat, and my mother asked me to bring a bowl and bring it over."

With that said, he also specially showed the bowl of meat to Father An.

Really seeing the flesh under his eyelids, Father An was a little surprised, but at the same time, his heart was calmer.

After all, Ji's mother could allow Ji Changze to send such precious meat to their home, which shows that she still values ​​their family Xiaolu very much.

Father An is not the same as most of the men in the village who don't care about their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, because when he first married his wife, Grandma An not only targeted his daughter-in-law, but also against him.

It can be said that An's father felt the bloody wind with An's mother.

In addition, he only had an only daughter like An Xiaolu. From the time his daughter was very young, he was worried about what would happen to her mother-in-law when her daughter would marry.

Now that Ji Changze talked about the delivery of meat from mother Ji, Father An felt much better in his heart.

what? Ji Mu didn't mean that?

How can it be!

This is meat!

This year, someone is a little bit fishy, ​​not all of them are hidden and tucked away, but Ji's mother sent Ji Changze to send such a large bowl of meat. She valued his Xiaolu so much.

Father An feels better in his heart, the expression on his face is not so sad, and his smile has become more sincere, and he shirks:

"I'm embarrassed, this is what your sister-in-law gave to your parents. How can we eat it."

Ji Changze: "Uncle, just take it. Anyway, you will be my parents after a while, all the same."

As he said, he smiled and looked at An Xiaolu.

"Xiaolu and I are getting married soon. We are all a family."

An Xiaolu blushed again at his words, embarrassedly stepped forward, took the bowl of meat, pointed to the cooking stove, meaning that she was going to cook by herself, and then left with the meat.

The daughter had all picked up the meat, and An's father was not good at rejecting it anymore, only with the joy of "My daughter's future mother-in-law would value her very much", and said politely to Ji Changze:

"Otherwise you will eat here tonight?"

He is also sincere. After all, the marriage cannot be repented anymore. Since it cannot be repented, then we can only find a way to let Ji Changze and An Xiaolu cultivate more relationships.

They, who are father-in-law and mother-in-law, also treat Ji Changze a little better, trying to make him feel the warmth of the family, and embarrassed to be bad for their daughter.

Generally speaking, people will be embarrassed to invite people to dinner, and An's father is also ready, and he intends to persuade the other party as soon as Ji Changze continues.

As a result, the handsome future son-in-law in front of him happily responded:

"Eh! Thank you Uncle, then I'm not welcome!"

Father An: "..."

He was choked, and then he remembered what his future son-in-law was in the village.

In the bottom of my heart, I kept telling myself, "This marriage cannot be changed. Ji Changze is kind to our family." Father An took a deep breath and showed a smile on his face:

"Go, sit in the house."

Ji Changze: "Eh, uncle, walk!"

"By the way, uncle, do you have any melon and fruit snacks at home?" He smiled and went to help An Father, while saying: "I'm really hungry after walking all the way."

The natural appearance of this school is as if it is in his own home.

Father An: "..."

Although he knew it for a long time, he still couldn't help but say something from the bottom of his heart.

This future son-in-law.

So shameless!

When the two were about to enter the house, an old lady's voice suddenly came from outside: "Hey, why do I smell the smell of meat? Where did you get the meat?"

Ji Changze found that as the voice sounded, the smile that Father An had just maintained disappeared immediately, and his eyes were faintly angry and aggrieved.

And An Xiaolu, who was warming her flesh, also stood up, her fair and beautiful face was full of stubbornness and she looked at the door, even her fists were squeezed.

With this reaction, he flipped through the memory in his mind, and he knew who the person came.

An's father and mother, An Xiaolu's grandma.

To say that this person is also a superb. There was a famine when she gave birth to Father An. Father An was born small and pitiful, and she had no milk to feed. Father An's grandma asked for help and finally got some goat milk. To the grandson.

At that time, Grandma Ann didn't know where she heard, saying that goat's milk is good for mothers, and she wanted to drink goat's milk every day, but she was stopped by her father's grandma. She said that there was only such a small amount. He drank it again as a baby. Among other things, he didn't drink enough goat milk alone. He was so hungry and cried every day. If Grandma An wanted to replenish her body, she would eat eggs or drink rice porridge.

No one thought that Grandma Ann would hate her own son.

Because An's father was brought up by his grandmother before the age of five, it is difficult to say whether she hates her son or her mother-in-law.

Later, when the old man passed away, An's father's life was sad. He suddenly changed from a child who was hungry but not aggrieved to a miserable little child.

Since he was a child, he has always been the one who can't get enough food at home, and he has always worked the most among his brothers, and he has been scolded the most frequently, and he has even been beaten.

Grandpa An only needs to enjoy the highest authority in the family, and he doesn't care about this son.

He just grew up like this.

After An's father married his daughter-in-law, she felt the warmth of the family. Pian'an's grandmother became more vigorous and scolded and squeezed together with An's mother. An's father was protecting his daughter-in-law, and she was scolded for being unfilial.

It was the biological mother, and Father An could only endure it until An Xiao revealed her birth. Grandma An dismissed her as a baby girl, and even took advantage of Father An's mother to work on the ground and threw her directly into the cold water basin for washing clothes. .

In the twelfth lunar month, how could she be able to bear it as a child.

If it hadn't been for An's mother to come back and find out, An Xiaolu might have died immediately. Because of this incident, An's father, who had always been thinking about her parents' kindness in childbirth, broke out, and Grandma An seized the opportunity and directly cleansed her son out of the house. .

Originally, everyone had their own lives after they had gone out of the house. However, she still relied on the closeness of the two families, and she would come and wander around from time to time. It was not that she had not done anything to steal the money when she found it, and she was arrested. When he arrived, he cried and An father was not filial, and his mother refused to let him come and see.

An's father has no feelings for her anymore, but she makes trouble every time, saying that she is not allowed to take things, so she goes to the Public Security Bureau, telling An's father that he is not filial and has to go to An Xiaolu's school to make trouble.

People these days are afraid of seeing the police, and An's father is afraid of affecting his daughter's future, so he can only bear this tone.

An Xiaolu didn't know these things before, and only thought that her father was thinking that Grandma An was the biological mother, and that was why she indulged her so much. Although she did not agree with her, she didn't say anything.

It wasn't until this time something happened at home that she was dumb and stayed at home again, only to realize that Grandma An was so unscrupulous because of the love of An's father and An's mother.

But now she became a dumb and couldn't reason. She had been in school and only knew how to study, but she didn't know how to deal with it.

In the past, Grandma An still relied on threats to take advantage of all kinds of advantages. Now she settles down, An's mother is sick and lying on the bed. An's father has a broken leg and can't walk at all. An Xiaolu is dumb and weak.

She directly evolved into a Ming grabbing.

Anyway, the family of three couldn't stop her.

Now that she smelled the meat, Grandma Ann's eyes lit up, she didn't even look at her son's and granddaughter's face at all, she walked in, craned her neck and smelled:

"Hey, it's really meat, great, boss, your nephew is eating meat these days, I will take these meats back to your nephew to eat."

With that said, she unceremoniously reached out to grab the meat.

Father An hurried forward with a cane: "No, Changze brought it to us."

"Changze?" Grandma An realized that Ji Changze was also here. She didn't take this hairy boy seriously, and said: "If you give it to you, it will be yours. I am your mother, and yours is mine. Why are you not allowed to take it."

Saying that she was going to reach out again, An Xiaolu subconsciously blocked it, but she pushed it away. Grandma An had been doing farm work for a lifetime, and she had more strength than An Xiaolu, so she moved towards the stove with such a push.


Ji Changze's eyes were sharp, and he strode forward and grabbed her quickly, so that An Xiaolu's face was not exposed to the flames.

It's just that even if it is, it is enough for people to have lingering fears.

An's fatherly face was green: "I didn't let you take it, let it go!"

"I'm your mother. You don't eat meat for me. You are not filial! You shouldn't be born in the first place, you should be drowned and raised."

Grandma Ann cursed uncleanly while her subordinates took out the meat neatly.

Anyway, no one can stop her from the weak, sick and disabled.

She turned to leave, but Ji Changze strode forward and stood in front of her.

He was a bit taller than the old lady, and at this moment, looking at her condescendingly, Grandma Ann was not embarrassed at all.

She is getting older. If Ji Changze dared to do anything to her, she immediately fell to the ground and cried out for pain, and she would still be able to squander some money at that time.

"What's the matter, you still want to beat me and fail? Come on, am I afraid of you?!"

Ji Changze looked at the old lady's mouth being unclean, not angry, and grinned: "How is it possible, you are Grandma Xiaolu, that is my grandma, not just a little meat, you can take it, grandma Isn't it right to take the granddaughter's things?"

Grandma An was taken aback, but she didn't expect Ji Changze to say that, but she soon became proud of it: "You count on your acquaintance."


Father An looked surprised and pulled Ji Changze to speak, but Ji Changze patted his arm first: "Uncle, grandma is getting older, I will help her go back. The old man is old, we should be filial to her. "

As he said, he smiled brightly at Grandma Ann again: "You think so?"

Grandma Ann became more and more proud: "You have a good conscience."

"That is, I have a conscience."

Ji Changze chuckled, and took the initiative to support Grandma An, and said with a smile: "Grandma, I will send you back, but don't tire you too much."

While talking, he also waved at An's father and An Xiaolu: "Uncle, Xiaolu, I'll be back soon."

Father An and An Xiaolu watched the two leave with blank faces, and glanced at each other.

Father An: "This kid Ji Changze is so soft?"

An Xiaolu shook her head blankly, not knowing what was going on.

Then, in less than ten minutes, they heard the chicken flying dog jumping at Grandma An's house next door.

"Get out!! You get out for me!! Put things down for me!"

Grandma Ann drove people away with a big broom, Ji Changze was still smiling, walking under her feet, every time she flashed accurately, holding the bowl of meat in her left hand, and a bunch of messy things in her right hand.

Grandma Ann's voice was trembling: "Who asked you to take my stuff!! You put it down for me!!!"

Ji Changze said innocently: "Grandma, why are you so angry, I'm your grandson-in-law, you are my grandma, isn't it normal for you to give me something?"


Grandma Ann stuck in her waist and cursed: "When did I give it to you? You fucking touched it into the house and stole it yourself!"

"What's so ugly to say secretly? We are relatives, how could I steal your things? You say yes, this is not what you think I like, is it filial to you to give me?"


Rao, the old river and lake of Grandma An, was also left speechless for a long time by Ji Changze's open eyes and nonsense.

She resorted to her assassin: "You put things down for me! Otherwise, see you at the Public Security Bureau!"


Ji Changze wasn't afraid at all: "Then the Public Security Bureau will see you, but grandma, aren't these things our family Xiaolu's?"

"Fuck you!!"

Grandma Ann: "This is all from my house!!!"

Even if she used to belong to An Xiaolu's family and was brought over by her, it was hers!

"Okay, then let's go to the Public Security Bureau and let Comrade Public Security have a look."

Ji Changze: "This pen was bought by your family, so why is it that the name of Xiaolu High School is written on it, saying it is a prize? How do I look like these pieces of cloth are only available in the city where Xiaolu went to school? Oh, you're great. You take the train to a place so far, just to buy a few pieces of cloth, and this watch. Your family has a ticket for the watch? Why don't I believe it so much."

Grandma Ann: "..."

How did she know that she needed a ticket to buy a watch, with her name written on the pen.

She doesn't know a word!

Only knowing that these things are valuable, this is why they forcibly snatched them when they went to settle down.

"And meat."

Ji Changze didn't let her go, and continued to ask: "You bought this meat with a meat ticket? Where did you buy it? Who did you buy it with? When you go to the police, if you don't say it clearly, you will be suspected. It's speculation."

Grandma Ann: "...The malted milk extract in your hand belongs to our family!!"

She specially asked someone to buy it back. She was reluctant to give it to her son and grandson, so she hid it in her room every day to eat some. Unexpectedly, Ji Changze found it out for her.

Ji Changze looked down at this malted milk extract: "Oh...yes."

Grandma An was not even proud, he stopped talking, and watched Ji Changze put the things down directly, opened the malted milk essence, and sprinkled it in the air.

She was reluctant to eat, reluctant to drink, and after saving for so long, she was only willing to eat a little bit of malted milk every day, so it was spilled clean.

Grandma Ann: "..."

At this moment, it is a feeling of heartbreak.

Ji Changze also specially hugged things and hid away from the malted milk soaring in the air, still smiling:

"Grandma, look at you, why are you so careless, such a good thing, you spilled it when you said it was spilled."

Grandma Ann is about to die of anger: "Me! You! Me!!!"

"Looking at you, you still want to say that I did not sprinkle it? That's good. What do I sprinkle your house for? Do you have any evidence?"

Grandma Ann: "...you, you, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Laughing, this is your yard. Your malted milk is spilled. It's my shit. I think you are dim-eyed. Otherwise, let's go to the police and discuss the pen and this watch. Hey speaking, these things can sell a lot of money together. If you stole them, how many years is the sentence? Hey!"

Ji Changze covered his mouth exaggeratedly, with a look of surprise: "It won't be indefinite, I will stay in prison for a lifetime."

Grandma Ann: "..."

She said that to go to the public security is to scare others. How can she dare to go to the public security bureau if she has done such a bad thing.

As Ji Changze was talking, he wanted to step forward: "Grandma, let's not waste any time, walk around, and go to the Public Security Bureau to ask the public security comrades how to deal with this."

Seeing that he was really going to pull herself away, Grandma Ann was so scared that she backed away quickly:

"Get out of here!!! Get out!!!"

Ji Changze could only stand on the spot, holding a bunch of things, his eyes hurt: "Grandma, am I not your grandson-in-law? You just said that everything from my Yue family belongs to you. I am my uncle's future son-in-law, and I am too It's yours, right?"

"Otherwise, I will stay at your house tonight. Seeing that there are so many good things in your house, you also give my grandson-in-law a taste. By the way, I just seemed to see eggs in your house. I like to eat eggs, I can eat five in a day, or..."

Granny Ann: Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

She collapsed, threw the broomstick, ran back to the house quickly, and locked the door.

Ji Changze yelled a few times but didn't get a response. He could only sigh regretfully: "Eh, really, you are also you when you say I am filial, and you are also you if I don't care. Grandma, you are really hard to understand."

After speaking, he raised his voice and shouted into the house again: "But you don't have to worry about grandma! I will often go to Xiaolu's house in the future. I will meet you again. I will come to your house with you again. We have a chance."


Grandma Ann hiding in the house: "..."

She never wanted to go to An Xiaolu's house anymore! ! !

Make sure that Grandma An won't come out, Ji Changze hugged things and wandered back to An Xiaolu's house next door.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the father and daughter looking at him.

An Xiaolu was full of admiration. She turned around and ran to the house, took out an egg, and gestured that she would make Ji Changze his favorite egg.

An's father is still in a blank expression.

It happened that the mother in the room woke up, yelled a few times, and he hurried into the room.

Inside the house, An's mother was asking if An's father was coming, when she suddenly heard Ji Changze's active voice outside:

"Xiaolu, I like to eat scrambled eggs, put more oil, right, right, and chopped green onion."

An mother heard Ji Changze's voice, and the expression on her face suddenly became difficult to express.

Who is a guest at present is not a consideration for the host, especially when the oil is so expensive. Ji Changze can actually say this when he comes to his future wife's house.

She opened her mouth and asked her husband hesitantly, "Is it from the Ji family? Isn't he a bit too...too such a thing?"

Father An suddenly returned to God.

A shot of the uninjured leg: "Good cheeky!! Good cheeky!!"

He couldn't help laughing out loud, only feeling that the depression in the past had been dissipated, boasting:

"Really my good son-in-law hahahahahaha!"

An mother who doesn't know what happened: "..."

what? ? ?