14|The best young son in the early 1980s (14)

After his mother's Ji Changze explained his source of income, he was treated like an emperor.

Knowing that his son has not broken the law and made a lot of money, Ji Mule is not good, see Ji Changze, his beloved son is even more precious.

"Changze, are you tired, do you want to sleep?"

"Are you thirsty? Mom pours you water."

"Are you hungry? Your brother brought something to eat last time. I'll show it to you."

Ji's father was sitting on the door with a bench and smoking a dry cigarette: bar, bar, bar.

Ji Changze was reminded, stretched his waist, and said, "Mom, I made a lot of money this time, and I happen to be free today. Why don't I go to the city and pay back the money my brother bought me a bicycle."

Mother Ji was taken aback: "Repay the money? Didn't he say that this bicycle should be given to you?"

Since Ji Changguang said those words last time, the anger in Ji's mother's heart has gradually faded, and in the past two months, Ji Changguang also brought Liu Huifen back to see her several times.

Liu Huifen thinks her mother-in-law treated her well.

Mother Ji thought that Liu Huifen was still very filial to her mother-in-law.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law reached great harmony.

She was no longer angry, and naturally she had no problem with Ji Changze's repayment of the money.

It's just because I thought my son was someone who didn't think of it (shamelessly and justly took advantage of it), so I didn't expect Ji Changze to pay back the money.

As a result, her youngest son actually offered to pay back the money.

Is the sun coming out from the west?

Ji Changze looked underestimated and resented: "Mom, what is your expression, do you think I will not give money to brother?! I didn't give it before, then I have no money, I have money, of course I have to give it, I am The kind of person who likes to take advantage, especially his brother!"

Ji's mother: "..."

How do you say it?

Of course she didn't want to discredit her son.

But right.

Don't Nagasawa like to take advantage of the things he did before?

Ji Changze said righteously: "I said a long time ago that I will repay my eldest brother if I have the promise. Now that I am rich, of course I have to speak up."

"And I not only need to bring money, I also have to buy something to the door, so as not to lose face, I think I and Liu Shu are quite talkative, I can accompany him to play chess and talk, right mother The youngest son of my uncle Liu and his sister-in-law's is the one with a big mole under the nose. Is he a doctor?"

Mother Ji didn't understand what the topic said, so she turned to this, recalled for a moment, and nodded: "Yes, I'm still working in the hospital."

After answering, she felt wrong again: "What do you want to do?!"

Father Ji clicked: "He wants to show Xiaolu dumb."

Ji Mu suddenly realized.

She just said, how could Ji Changze's temperament take the initiative to come to the door to give money and gifts.

It must be the case for people who want to.

She turned her face, suddenly reacted, and asked Father Ji: "Why do you know everything?!"

Father Ji battered: "I ran into Nagasawa at the entrance of the village and came back while chatting with him."

Mother Ji: "Why don't I know?"

When her parents arrived at the door, she came up to greet him.

Ji's father was silent for a few seconds.

Quite bitterly replied: "I came back with him, and I was standing next to him at the time."

Then it seemed to have become a transparent person, watching his wife holding other men's darlings and screaming, without even throwing the corner of his eye.

Mother Ji; "Then why don't you scream? Every day you know how to smoke. People will definitely not look at you at first sight, but at your smoke."

She turned to look at her son again, her face full of affection: "I'm better at Changze. I don't smoke, I am sensible, and I can make money. I can even care for my wife. Let's see how good Changze is. The first thing I do to make money is to give His daughter-in-law sees a doctor."

Facing the spring breeze with his son, and turning his face toward her husband, he looked disgusted: "Look at you again! When did you think of me for the first time!"

Father Ji: "...As soon as Changze Mingming came back, he came to our house. When did he miss his wife for the first time?"

"Is that wrong!"

Mother Ji gave him a sideways look: "I'm filial to Changze, can't you!"

Father Ji: "..."

Forget it, he still smokes.

When Mother Ji looked at Ji Changze, she instantly changed her face and said with a smile: "My parents are good, and they are filial and loving to their daughter-in-law. Mom knows that you follow your mother, not like your father and your brother, one by one , I don't know how to care for my wife."

She also had an issue with her daughter-in-law because of Ji Changguang's miscommunication.

Ji Changze patted his chest with no guilty conscience: "That is, I was taught by my mother. Don't worry, mom, I must be good to my daughter-in-law. I want my brother and father to know that there is a real man in our Ji family!"

"Eh! What a good son of mom!"

Mother Ji was proud in her heart and waved her big hand: "Then you can take the money to buy something and go to your brother's place, just to show your sister-in-law's house. Our family is not married to their family just to let your brother eat soft rice. ."

Ji Changze nodded.

Thinking of something, his face showed hesitation.

Mother Ji met and asked him: "What's the matter?"

Ji Changze: "But mom, according to what you taught me, I should go to Xiaolu's house in the afternoon. That's why I love my daughter-in-law, and her grandmother is not good to his family. Fortunately, I was shocked by my talents last time. Yes, I said I would go for a walk again today, but I want to go to Big Brother again."

"Such a thing."

Ji's mother felt that her son was still too young as expected, and he still didn't have her experience.

She lifted her chin: "Don't worry, go to your brother's place. I'll go to Xiaolu's house. It just so happens that you are getting married. Xiaolu's mother and I will give a wedding gift."

Ji Changze happily agreed: "Okay, mom will rely on you."

Seeing that he hadn't even mentioned that he had a better attitude when he went to An Xiaolu's house, Ji's mother felt that "my son really only values ​​me as a mother", and at the same time "this child is not good, I have to take care of my daughter-in-law." That's right".

It was so proud and entangled in the decision.

It's okay, if the son doesn't mention it, she just has to think about it.

Anyway, she will prove with her actions that she is a good mother-in-law.

She had a bad relationship with Liu Huifen before, and it was because of Ji Changguang, a little bastard.

She is very kind.

Whether facing the son or the daughter-in-law, it is the warmth of spring.

Ji Changze looked at Mother Ji like this, not like going to see the future daughter-in-law and in-laws, but like going to war.

He counted the money in his pocket, took out half and handed it to Ji's mother: "Mom, here is the money for you."

Mother Ji don't: "This is your Xin..."

I was about to say that this is your hard-earned money. Mom didn't want it. Suddenly, my reaction was wrong. My son didn't work hard either. She changed her words again:

"This is the money you earn yourself, you keep the flowers, ah."

"I can keep half of it, and the remaining half. Except for paying back my brother, Xiaolu will treat the dumb. If I don't give you half, think about how you raised me, and I made money. Just give Xiao Luhua, I feel particularly uncomfortable in my heart."

Mother Ji was moved.

She was really moved.

This is her good son.

It looks like Ji Changguang's bastard. After marrying his daughter-in-law, he doesn't care about mother or daughter-in-law.

Look at her, Changze, earn money, and give half of it to her parents!

How filial!

Completely ignoring the fact that Ji Changguang also paid half of his salary every month, Ji's mother received the money with a touch of expression on her face:

"Changze, mom's good son..."

Ji Changze struck while the iron was hot, and came up with a set of sweet words: "Mom, you are so kind to me, I like mom the most, no one likes you more than me."

From the bottom of Ji's heart, it was like exploding fireworks.

Very happy bang bang bang.

Look at her son, how filial, sensible, and talkative.

The expression on her face softened by eight hundred degrees, and her voice was soft as if dripping water:

"Really, just your mouth is sweet, and Mom likes you the most."

Ji's father, who was smoking a dry cigarette by himself, saw this scene, clicked and thoughtful.

Waiting for Ji Changze to leave with the remaining half of the money.

Only Ji's father and Ji's mother were left in the yard.

Mother Ji was counting the money happily. The more he counted, the happier he was. Father Ji stood up, smoking a dry cigarette.

Look around, no one.

He stepped forward with a deep face, and said to Ji's mother who was counting money: "Daughter-in-law."


Jifu: "I like you the most. No one likes you more than me."

Mother Ji paused with her hands as she counted the money, and raised her head to look at her husband.

Ji's father took a puff of dry smoke, full of confidence.

Ji's mother turned his face instantly: "Fart! The one who likes the old lady the most is Changze!"

Father Ji: "..."

Woman, it's hard to understand.

Ji Changze entered the city with the money.

He didn't carry any pheasant or fish this time. Instead, he bought a can of malted milk.

Malted milk extract can be said to be a powerful weapon in this era.

No matter who you meet, the elderly, women, children, healthy adults.

Bring wheat milk extract, people must think you are full of sincerity.

Even though it is too expensive, most people will not do this.

Ji Changze held the malted milk essence and knocked on the door of Liu's house.

Not long after Liu Huifen got off work, she opened the door and saw him. As soon as the smile on her face rose, she saw the younger uncle in front of her stuffing the malted milk essence in her hand:

"Sister-in-law, I'm here to pay the money."

"Repay the money?"

What to pay back?

Whose money is returned?

There was speculation in Liu Huifen's heart about repaying the bicycle money, but she couldn't believe it.

Ji Changze will take the initiative to pay back the money, right?

Ji Changguang also heard the movement. He stood up and saw that it was Ji Changze. The smile on his face immediately appeared: "Changze, why are you here?"

"Come and give you money."

Ji Changze went straight to the subject, took out the money for the bicycle that had been counted before from his pocket, and put it directly into the hands of Ji Changguang who came over.

"Brother, just click, don't you see it right."

Ji Changguang looked down at the money and was stunned: "Where did you get this money?"

"I earned it from Demon Capital."

Ji Changze looked righteous and confident: "Didn't I go to the devil to work before? Brother, I said before, I will repay you if I have money."

Ji Changguang held the money he thought he could not get back, and stared at his brother in front of him in a daze.

Ji Changze is bragging about himself: "Although I sometimes seem to be out of tune, I am a person of love and righteousness. We have such a deep relationship between brothers. Once I have money, I can't make it to spend, so I will give it to you quickly."

He added: "Mom, too, urging me to give it to you."

Ji Changguang was extremely moved.

Mom, father, brother...

It turns out that they treated him so well and thought of him so much.

The tails of his moved eyes were red, and he hugged the younger brother in front of him, a man of five big and three rough, his voice was shaking with excitement:

"Zhangze! You are so kind to me!!"

Liu Huifen saw this scene next to him: "..."

Although she has no objection to the uncle.

I am also happy that my uncle is willing to take the initiative to repay the money.

But husband, be more sober, husband.

The money was originally theirs! !

Ji Changze should have paid back this money! !

Obviously the current situation is that Ji Changze has changed from a rogue act to what a normal person should do.

Why can Ji Changguang behave as if Ji Changze is so kind to their family.

I really don't understand.

Ji Changze, who was being held, leaned his head on the shoulders of his elder brother, and smiled at Liu Huifen who was standing in front of him:

"Sister-in-law, give this malted milk extract to my uncle. I heard that older people drink this best. I bought it specially."

Liu Huifen was startled, only to realize that what Ji Changze had given her before was actually malted milk extract.

Wheat milk extract! !

Ji Changze actually bought such expensive malted milk extract to her parents? ?

Her first reaction was to refuse: "No, no, it's so embarrassing."

"It's okay, you just take it, sister-in-law. Well, the eldest sister-in-law is like a mother. You used to be so good to me. When you see me as your own brother, your younger brother remembers it in his heart. I used to have no money. Now I make money, of course. I bought something for you."

Liu Huifen felt guilty.

She hadn't been kind to Ji Changze before.

I haven't cursed this little uncle less in my heart.

Unexpectedly, in Ji Changze's eyes, her image has always been such a good one.

Ji Changze still said: "Sister-in-law, I also bought some good-looking clothes from Magic City. They are all popular styles, which are especially suitable for you. I will show them to you soon."

The point is, he didn't just buy some.

He is in a batch.

Magic City has always been much more fashionable than other cities. When you buy these clothes, you can definitely sell them at twice or even three times the price in their cities.

Even so, the supply is still in short supply.

Liu Huifen naturally didn't know that Ji Changze didn't buy it specially for herself, so she was guilty and moved.

Nagasawa was so kind to her, but she missed him that way.

She was holding the malted milk essence, and she only felt that the one who thought that her uncle was a rascal and rubbish was really a frog in the bottom of the well.

She was moved:

"Changze, you are so kind to me, thank you."